
Starr’s Report


Re “Starr Sends Report to House for Possible Clinton Impeachment,” Sept. 10:

It shouldn’t amaze me, but I’m agape at the Republicans who profess to be “against government interference in private lives,” unless, of course, it’s the private life of someone they don’t like, e.g. William Jefferson Clinton. Then--no holds un-bared! No drapes un-peeked! No stoolies unwired! The 36 boxes of smut and hearsay just delivered to Congress should prove that Republicans love intrusive, spying, badgering government, when it’s advancing their agenda.


Culver City

* Amazing how fast they’re taking down the prez, ain’t it? I thought we the public made it clear ASAP that we didn’t care. So now “The Morality Men and Boxer’s Hypocriticals” and Kenneth Starr are shoving the sex crime, Orwell-style, down our throats till we choke and spit up Clinton?

Is it a national purge? Or just an old-fashioned witch hunt?

Thank God for baseball. And Vegas, of course.


Santa Monica

* Note to the press: Boy, oh boy, doesn’t it hurt like hell to have to admit you’ve been wrong all along! And the worst is yet to come. En garde for the Starr report!




* President Clinton told a group of Democrats in Florida, “I also let you down and I let my family down and I let this country down. But I’m trying to make it right” (Sept. 10). It might be refreshing if, for once, he shut his mouth and took something like a man instead of taking the entire country though this self-inflicted low-crawl of begging for one more chance to disappoint us. Former candidate Bob Dole summed it up a few years ago when he said the presidential race was about character. The country was fat, dumb and happy, so nobody listened as usual.


Los Angeles

* As an average American, I want a strong president and a strong presidency. The talk of impeachment only serves to weaken both Clinton and the office of the presidency. The president’s groveling for the public’s forgiveness does the same. I believe that most Americans do not want a precedent set, that presidents will go through impeachment every time they do something stupid or they are surrounded by controversy.

The president must tell the people that he screwed up, but did not break the law and certainly did nothing worthy of allowing Congress to drag down the office of the president. The president must not resort to name-calling. He should protect the integrity of the presidency and he will have the American people’s support.


Laguna Niguel

* I dreamed last night that I opened The Times and saw the following advertisement: From the same folks who brought you the Crucifixion, comes the greatest show in 2,000 years, “The Finale of the Great Presidential Sex Scandal.” See Bill Clinton impeached at the half-time of Super Bowl XXXIII!

It was a dream, wasn’t it?


West Hills
