


Roger Schlickeisen excoriates Republicans for passing “anti-environmental” legislation (Column Left, Sept. 17). All I can say is Schlickeisen is upset because the pendulum has swung, in the process restoring some much-needed balance. Decades of victories by Schlickeisen and his radical environmentalist friends have accustomed them to the notion that victory for their side is the norm.

In reality, the “environment” movement was long ago corrupted, becoming nothing but a tool used to promote a hidden agenda. Socialists, observing that their program was being rejected by the entire world, realized they could never pass their agenda on its merits. But a little green candy-coating would help the poison slide down. Thus it came to pass that every “green” solution to every “environmental crisis” (real or artificial) involved bigger government, more regulations, higher costs and higher taxes, less freedom, less choice. No wonder environmentalism is the darling of the big-government left. Karl Marx would have loved it.
