
Late-Night Snack Attack


It’s so late that it’s morning. You’ve danced one too many times with struggling poet/busboy, and if you don’t get food in your system soon, you’ll collapse from chronic dance-club disease. Where do you go? Of course there’s always the chain restaurants, but the city offers so much more than coffee shop breakfasts and discount tacos. From Thai to Italian, soul to diner food, there’s a wide variety of restaurant options well into the wee hours of the night. With a hearty appetite and a tank full of gas, Calendar Live! combed the Southland and chowed down with the creatures of the night at some popular late-night eateries.

Get the Info, Get the Ticket

Are you missing Neil Young, Marilyn Manson, Sheryl Crow and all the other top musicians because you called too late for tickets? Then check out Calendar Live’s Music Page each day to see who’s coming to town. With just a few clicks of your mouse, you can read the event listing and pre-show interviews, nail that choice seat and even purchase the latest CD to get you revved for the big night.

Easter Picks

Calendar Live! picks some top places to enjoy Easter breakfast.

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