
Legislators Ask Davis to Reinstate Fleming


Republican and Democratic state legislators are pleading with Gov. Gray Davis to reappoint Valley businessman David Fleming to the California Transportation Commission after recently replacing him with former Congressman Esteban Torres.

In a letter circulated among lawmakers by Assemblyman Bob Hertzberg (D-Sherman Oaks) and sent to Davis this week, more than a dozen legislators have asked the governor to consider Fleming for one of two available positions on the panel, saying he has a long record of impartial public service.

Lawmakers who signed the letter supporting Fleming, a Republican, included Assembly Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa (D-Los Angeles), state Sen. Tom Hayden (D-Los Angeles), Assemblyman Tom McClintock (R-Northridge) and Assemblyman George Runner (R-Lancaster).


Before being replaced at the end of last month, Fleming served as vice chair of the commission, which oversees many of the state’s largest transportation projects--including the proposed expansion of the often clogged Valley interchange linking the San Diego and Hollywood freeways. The commission consists of nine appointed members and two ex-officio members, as well as the chairs of the Assembly and Senate transportation committees.

Fleming was initially appointed by former Gov. Pete Wilson in 1996.

“Throughout his tenure with the [commission], Mr. Fleming has worked in a nonpartisan manner to represent the transportation interests of all Californians,” the letter stated. “The strong bipartisan support for a registered Republican contained in this letter is a testament to his unsurpassed reputation and a fair and effective member.”

Fleming said he was heartened, and somewhat surprised, by the support he had received, but was not sure it would make enough of a difference.

“I am really overwhelmed by the support I have received from Democratic leaders,” he said. “The only guy who voted against my confirmation [Hayden] wrote a letter to support me.

“Gray plays it very close to the vest,” he added. “I don’t know what’s he’s thinking or when he’s going to make a decision. But I’m still hopeful.”

In hopes of persuading Davis, Hertzberg also made a personal plea to a member of Davis’ staff Thursday.


But some observers said chances of Fleming being reappointed were slim, noting that the commission has historically been filled in a partisan manner due to its political importance.
