
Driving on Drugs


I read with horror “Driver Given 6 Months in Fatal Collision” (April 6). How is it that we as a society give someone essentially no punishment for taking another’s life while strung out on drugs?

The cocaine-high driver, Jose Sanchez, has the rest of his life to look forward to, while a young man, Mark Antonowitsch, a Gulf War veteran, a man who put his life on the line for this country, is dead because of Sanchez’s wanton recklessness. Sanchez should be locked up for at least 20 years.

How would you like to be Antonowitsch’s mother or father? How would you like to be the parent of a son who was killed for no reason? I can’t think of anything worse. Sanchez has a debt to pay to society and to Antonowitsch’s grieving family. Six months is not it.



Pacific Palisades
