
Ventura County Roundup : VENTURA : Volunteers Sought to Help Abused Women


The Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence is conducting interviews for its fall volunteer session, which begins Oct. 13.

The agency relies on about 50 volunteers to work at shelters for battered women, help staff its hotline and provide counseling through its domestic violence and sexual assault response teams.

Volunteers must complete a six-week training program to qualify. The fall session will be held at the agency’s office in Ventura. The cost is $25, the price of a training manual.


“Our volunteers actually do crisis counseling for us and help pick up the load,” said spokeswoman Gina Gutierrez. “We rely on them very heavily.”

The nonprofit coalition provides services to victims of family violence and sexual assault and educates the community about violence against women and children.

Some volunteers have worked with the coalition for five or more years. They often feel rewarded by helping others overcome violence in their lives, Gutierrez said.

The agency holds five training sessions annually, and needs more bilingual volunteers, Gutierrez said. Otherwise, no special skills are required. For more information, contact the coalition at 654-8141.
