
When It Comes to the Long Shots, It Increasingly Appears L.A. Has No Shot


Other than Derek Anderson, the Clippers have not been getting consistent outside production from any other player.

Lamar Odom has been more effective in the post. Eric Piatkowski hasn’t been getting the room he needs to get his shot off. Tyrone Nesby is at his best slashing to the basket. Eric Murdock’s been hurt too much and Troy Hudson’s shooting has been streaky.

In the fourth quarter of Saturday’s 13-point loss to Seattle, Clipper Coach Chris Ford turned to second-year guard Charles Jones.


“I don’t know where I’m going to use Charles,” said Ford about Jones, who did not score and had one assist in eight minutes against the SuperSonics.

“It’s a case where other than [Anderson], I’m not getting anything from our perimeter game.”

Ford hinted he may go more with the players who played during the team’s lone successful run. The Clippers won three of four games with a roster limited because of injuries.

“They have to realize that it has to come from within,” Ford said about his team, which has lost five in a row.

Brian Skinner said morale is down.

“Certain players are dealing with it differently,” Skinner said. “But this is where the team concept comes in in terms of picking other players up. This is when you should pick a teammate up and help carry him until he gets out of his slump.”

Most Clippers believe the team’s chemistry has not been right since Maurice Taylor returned after missing seven games because of a sprained ankle. The Clippers find themselves watching Taylor do it by himself offensively. Once the team falls behind, each player then tries to put it upon himself to turn things around.


“We’re still trying to find that niche,” Skinner said. “It was a different team that played on that five-game road trip [when the Clippers won two of their final three].

“We’re going to have to . . . rework leadership roles and expectations. It should come down to what you can give your team consistently on a day-to-day basis.”
