
Elian Gonzalez


We have just returned from a 10-day humanitarian aid trip to Cuba. We strongly support the return of Elian Gonzalez to his father and family in his native land. The photos and videos we have seen of Elian with his father, and the witness of his neighbors in his hometown, show a happy little boy with a loving father and loving grandparents.

The most privileged group of people in Cuba today are the children. They get the highest priority for food, medical care, education and recreational opportunities. This contrasts sharply with our own country’s treatment of children as nothing more than markets for the dumping of goods, needed or not. This letter was inspired by the Dec. 23 news bulletin declaring that poor children in our country are poorer than they were 10 years ago.

We have no right under any law to keep a child from a loving father. Action must be taken immediately to ensure that Elian is returned to his family in Cuba. The longer our government keeps Elian here, the more likely it will be that a wedge will be driven between him and his family in Cuba.




