
all day: Photography

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Edward Weston opened his first photography studio in Tropico--now Glendale--in 1911, just as Modernism was reaching California. A new exhibition opening today, “Edward Weston: Photography and Modernism,” traces how Weston’s work became increasing influenced and eventually influential in the Modernist arena. The 140 prints on display at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art include his early portraits, his famed pepper series and “Chambered Nautilus” from the 1920s, and his moves into Surrealism in the 1930s and 1940s, including “Rubber Dummy, M.G.M.”

* “Edward Weston: Photography and Modernism,” at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 5905 Wilshire Blvd. (323) 857-6000. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, noon-8 p.m.; Friday, noon to 9 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Adults $7, seniors and students $5, children $1, 5 and under free. Ends May 3.

8pm: Theater

It had to happen. “Starr Struck: A Musical Investigation,” a new musical by Stephen Bates and Alan Jay Glueckman, is based on transcripts and news reports of the scandal involving you-know-who. It’s being presented by Blank Theatre Company and Glueckman Intertainment as a workshop production. Directed and choreographed by Blank artistic director Daniel Henning, it features Broadway veteran Jennifer Leigh Warren as Betty Currie and Paula Jones; Tricia Leigh Fisher as Monica Lewinsky, Michael Halpin as President Clinton, Mary-Pat Green as Linda Tripp, Harry Murphy as Ken Starr, Jordan Lund as Jerry Fallwell, Steve Lipinsky as Matt Drudge; and Kristina Sanborn as Hillary Rodham Clinton.


* “Starr Struck: A Musical Investigation,” 2nd Stage Theatre, 6599 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Thursdays-Saturdays, 8 p.m.; Sundays, 7 p.m. Ends Feb. 28. $22. (310) 289-2999.

8pm: World Music

Malian vocalist Salif Keita has expanded his world of influence to include all of Africa and beyond, evidenced by his work with jazz keyboardist Joe Zawinul, among others. But his roots are still in the beautifully languid Maninka style of his native country. Here’s your chance to see why “The Golden Voice of Mali” speaks to a global audience.

* Salif Keita, Royce Hall, UCLA. $22-$35, UCLA students $13. (310) 825-2101.

Freebie: Jazz Heads play at Borders Books and Music, 125 W. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Thousand Oaks; 7:30 p.m. (805) 497-8159.
