
Slim Chance Iraq Could Carry Out Threats, U.S. Says

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Iraq’s threats against Turkey, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia for supporting recent U.S. air attacks are being taken seriously, but there is little chance Iraq’s depleted air force could launch attacks deep into neighboring territory, a Defense Department official said Tuesday.

“It’s a sign of Saddam Hussein’s desperation and isolation that Iraq is making such threats,” Defense Department spokesman Kenneth Bacon said.

He said Iraq could try three ways to carry out its threats: fire Scud missiles, attack by air with planes, or conduct terrorist raids. “All of these would be difficult, given the circumstances that Iraq faces today,” Bacon said, referring to the deterioration of its military since the 1991 Persian Gulf War, the effect of the U.N. economic sanctions and the strength of U.S. forces in the area that could retaliate.


Iraq’s state-controlled media warned U.S. allies Tuesday that they will pay a high price for playing host to American and British warplanes that patrol “no-fly” zones over Iraq. The planes have attacked Iraqi air defense installations almost daily in recent weeks.
