
Speak for Yourself


Who appointed Howard Rosenberg as definer of what blacks should or should not perceive as racism or racist (“ ‘The PJs’: Equal Opportunity Satire,” Jan. 9)?

Without a tirade about “The PJs” and “The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer,” I have but one question for Rosenberg: Would you appreciate or respect a Clarence Page or any black writer defining to you what is offensive, racist, hurtful and anti-Semitic to the Jewish population in the United States? I think not.




Najee Ali has just as much right to protest “The PJs” as Fox has the right to air it. Danny Bakewell has just as much right to protest “The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer” as UPN has to air it. Rosenberg, by jumping into the fray from the pulpit of his column to defend these shows, is effectively slapping the collective face of black America.



Los Angeles


Who died and left Najee Ali, head of Project Islamic H.O.P.E., as spokesperson for the African American community? Whoever it was needs to be resurrected as soon as possible.

“The PJs” deals with the truth, somewhat satirized, about how life is in certain projects. The opening episode also reminded us that we must take responsibility for our youths, by serving as role models and guiding them in the right direction.

If Ali is so concerned about the image of black people in America, why isn’t he boycotting Chris Rock, who uses the N-word in most of his routines? Doesn’t Ali watch HBO?


Los Angeles
