
Senate Trial


How can former Sen. Dale Bumpers and David Kendall say that no harm has been done to the state (Jan. 22)? Sure the economy is doing well so it’s easy to sweep President Clinton’s subtle misdeeds under the rug; however, he has been the catalyst in making America a laughingstock throughout the world. America has lost the respect of not only our enemies but our allies.

Clinton abused the authority of his office when he acted in a way in order deny a citizen (Paula Jones) of her right to have her day in court. (Isn’t it interesting that he paid her $850,000 for not doing anything?) He did lie to the American people, which will have a lasting effect on our nation. He should be punished. You and I would be.


Toluca Lake


I was wondering how long it would take for the GOP to jump to Pat Robertson’s order that they shut down the impeachment proceedings (Jan. 21). It looks like it took less than 24 hours for them to begin the process. And they wonder why so many think the fundamentalist right controls the party.





Who says women can’t be succinct, powerful and to the point? White House attorney Cheryl Mills put the lie to that (Jan. 21).


Woodland Hills


In the case against the president, facts are assembled and viewed from an angle which “proves” guilt. From another angle, the same facts prove innocence! The same method of conjecture leading to conclusion used in all conspiracy theories. This is a trial in the Senate, and of the Senate.


Laguna Niguel


A few years ago, a has-been football player was on trial and the American public could not watch enough of that circus on TV. Now the president of the United States, perhaps the most powerful man in the world, is on trial and neither the major TV networks nor the public seems to care. No coverage, no interest. We all should feel ashamed.


Redondo Beach


I am so unhappy with the way the Republicans are doing this impeachment of President Clinton that I will never vote for another Republican for any office in future elections. They are wrong and I am mad. There is more important business for them than wasting our tax dollars trying to get rid of President Clinton, who has done a better job during the past six years than all of the Republicans put together.


Los Angeles


In all I have read and heard on the subject of Clinton’s impeachment, the issue of self-control has not been mentioned. Doesn’t anyone else think it is dangerous to have a president who is so lacking in self-control around women?


Mission Viejo


Please, let us now accept the standard definitions of “is,” “alone” and even “sex.” Rather, let us devote our efforts toward the meaning of honor.



