
Law Firm Appoints Golison of Counsel

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* Jennifer Walecki Golison has been named of counsel to the Costa Mesa law firm of Albert, Weiland & Golden LLP. She was formerly an associate of the firm. Golison specializes in trustee, committee, creditor and receiver representation.

* Joseph Cox has been named president and chief operating officer of in Santa Ana, an online provider of business products and services. Cox previously worked for the Walt Disney Co. as vice president and general manager for ESPN Stores. Before that, he held senior management positions at the Broadway stores, Montgomery Ward and May Co. In addition, Azhar Hameed was appointed executive vice president and chief information officer. Previously, Hameed was vice president of e-commerce and director of management information systems for En Pointe Technologies Inc.,’s parent company. Before that, he was chief executive of Computek Systems Ltd.

* Rick A. Henson has been appointed senior vice president sales, marketing and business development for PharmaPrint Inc. in Irvine. He was formerly vice president of sales and marketing at Watson Laboratories Inc. Henson has also held sales and marketing positions at CoCensys Inc. and Ciba-Geigy Pharmaceuticals.


* Jeanne Boom has joined the Irvine accounting firm of Corbin & Wertz as a practice development officer. Boom was previously with Bowne, RR Donnelley, Information America and ADP.
