
No Kid Gloves


The only “movement” Kid Rock is advancing toward is self-destruction, and there’s absolutely no reason why we should read about it (“Don’t Let Him Kid You,” by Natalie Nichols, July 11). Not only are his sexual habits and drug use completely revolting, but they are incredibly expected from a rock star who has way too much money, and not a lot of talent.

A month ago, Jay Leno, on his weekly tour of the streets to find stupidity and ignorance, bumped into Kid Rock, who unsurprisingly managed to miss every simple question that Leno asked. As a 19-year-old, I’m utterly amazed that Calendar would even attempt to make this character’s “politeness” outweigh his ignorance and lack of dignity.

Are there no intelligent and intriguing figures in society that Calendar can write about? Are there no role models worth mentioning? Sometimes I truly wonder if Calendar writes these articles just to tick people off. If this was your intention, then kudos on a job well done.



Trabuco Canyon
