
L.A. Schools’ Report Card / GRADE 4

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How did your school do on the statewide tests?


In California, almost 4.2 million public school students in grades 2 through 11 took the Stanford 9 standardized tests this spring, for the second year in a row. All of them were tested in reading, math and writing. Students through grade 8 also took a spelling test, and students in higher grades took exams in science and history/social science.

On Thursday, the state Department of Education released scores for each school. The Times today presents scores from selected testing subjects, and from three “bellwether” grades: fourth, eighth and 10th.

Readers who want to know how a school in Los Angeles County is doing can use this cross-section of scores as a gauge. But keep in mind that these are results for individual grades only, not the entire school. Scores vary from grade to grade--and from classroom to classroom--even at the same school.


Results for all grades, schools and districts in all categories will be available on the Internet at a state Web site at

To find your school’s scores:

* Look first for the grade level: “Grade 4” for elementary school, “Grade 8” for middle school or “Grade 10” for high school.

* Then, search down the column to find your school district. Individual schools are listed underneath, in alphabetical order.


* The scores appear to the right of your school’s name. The columns report 1998 and 1999 testing data in the “Reading” and “Math” categories. Use the guide at the top of each column of numbers to determine which category the score is in.

For each test, the chart shows the national percentile rank achieved by students in each school, in both years. (See below: “How to Interpret the Percentile Rank.”)

(Note: State officials warn that strict comparisons of a school’s 1998 and 1999 scores may be misleading. One reason is that Proposition 227 has brought major changes in instruction for students not fluent in English, and the Stanford 9 test is designed to measure achievement by students who are fluent.)


* The chart also has a category labeled “%LEP Tested.” This column of numbers shows the percentage of students who took the test at the school who were classified as “limited English-proficient.” Schools with a higher percentage of such students will tend to have lower scores, in part because these students may have had difficulty understanding the questions, which were all in English.

* The far right column, labeled “Std. 99,” shows student performance on questions reflecting California’s standards in language arts. The score is the average number of questions answered correctly by students in that grade. (Students in the grades listed here answered 90 such questions.) Because this is the first year for such questions, there is as yet no definition of what is “good” or “bad.”


Note: An asterisk (*) means the number of students tested was 10 or fewer. A dash (--) means data were unavailable.



Even among experts, there is no one view on what a percentile rank tells about school performance. But a rank of 50 means that, taken together, the school’s students were right at the national average when measured against a sample of their peers across the country--even though some students at the school may be doing quite well and others poorly.

A percentile rank of 25 or less suggests that many of the students are doing poorly when measured against the national sample. A rank of 75 or above shows that a high percentage of students are doing well. Scores for grades or schools in which few children were tested may appear abnormally high or low, and should be interpreted cautiously.

Comparing the individual scores sent to your home with those of the school will help you gauge where your child ranks against classmates.




You might want to compare your school’s average with that of your entire district, Los Angeles County or the state. These were the average percentile scores for the state and Los Angeles Unified:

* Grade 4

Reading: State: 42nd percentile. Los Angeles County: 33rd percentile

Math: State: 44th percentile. Los Angeles County: 38th percentile

* Grade 8

Reading: State: 46th percentile. Los Angeles County: 38th percentile

Math: State: 48th percentile. Los Angeles County: 41st percentile

* Grade 10

Reading: State: 32nd percentile. Los Angeles County: 26th percentile

Math: State: 45th percentile. Los Angeles County: 41st percentile


Main story, A1.

How to Read the Scores

A quick reader’s guide to the tables: What the categories are and what the scores mean. For more information on the tests and an expanded explanation of the tables, see main story, A1; box, U2.

* Reading ‘98: The score reflects the school’s national percentile rank on 1998 Stanford 9 test.

* Reading ‘99: National percentile rank on 1999 Stanford 9 test.

* Math ‘98: National percentile rank on 1998 Stanford 9 test.

* Math ‘99: National percentile rank on 1999 Stanford 9 test.

(Note: In the Reading and Math tables, a score of 50 means that taken together, the school’s students were right at the national average when measured against a sample of their peers across the country. A percentile rank of 25 or less suggests that many of the students are doing poorly when measured against the national sample. A rank of 75 or above shows that a high percentage of students are doing well. Scores for grades or schools in which few children were tested may appear abnormally high or low, and should be interpreted cautiously.)


* %LEP Tested: Percentage of students taking the test at the school who were classified as “limited English-proficient.”

* Std. 99: Average number of questions, out of 90, answered correctly on the portion of test reflecting California’s content standards in language arts.



Note: An asterisk (*) means the number of students tested was 10 or fewer. A dash (--) means data were unavailable.


These tables do not include scores for schools in Glendale or Long Beach.

The company that scored the tests acknowledged last week that it had made errors in calculating the percentile rank of schools that operate a year-round schedule in 44 districts around the state.

An official with Harcourt Educational Measurement said the problems were corrected for most districts. But problems remained with the scores for Glendale, Long Beach and the Ontario/Montclair district in San Bernardino County. Correct scores for those districts will be posted on the Internet as soon as they are available.




Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Statewide 40 42 39 44 26.1 45.3


Los Angeles County


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Los Angeles County 31 33 34 38 39.0 41.6


ABC Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 ABC Unified 44 48 47 51 29.1 47.8 Aloha Elementary 24 28 26 29 27.0 37.6 Bragg Elementary 67 70 72 72 9.5 57.4 Burbank Elementary 21 23 21 24 34.9 37.5 Carver Elementary 50 61 61 59 13.9 52.3 Cerritos Elementary 64 73 80 82 13.7 62.0 Elliott Elementary 34 35 29 40 31.2 39.9 Furgeson Elementary 13 13 12 17 85.6 28.9 Gonsalves Elementary 72 78 75 80 11.9 62.7 Hawaiian Elementary 13 18 20 20 64.2 32.3 Juarez Elementary 29 27 35 26 36.7 37.3 Kennedy Elementary 54 50 56 52 18.1 49.0 Leal Elementary 74 76 79 82 22.5 62.2 Melbourne Elementary 20 32 18 33 47.0 37.9 Niemes Elementary 31 31 35 32 50.6 40.1 Nixon Elementary 67 58 61 60 7.1 56.9 Palms Elementary 34 36 34 39 14.6 41.9 Stowers Elementary 58 68 74 78 23.5 57.0 Willow Elementary 23 24 24 28 33.0 36.7 Wittmann Elementary 79 75 80 75 15.1 62.2


Acton-Agua Dulce Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Acton-Agua Dulce Unified 56 62 54 52 1.1 53.3 Acton Elementary 53 62 52 52 1.5 53.4 Agua Dulce Elementary 65 63 60 53 -- 53.2



Alhambra City Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Alhambra City Elementary 41 41 46 48 52.9 46.5 Baldwin Elem./Middle 36 37 43 47 59.9 43.9 Brightwood Elementary 58 62 54 58 42.8 54.2 Emery Park Elementary 37 42 37 42 34.2 45.7 Fremont Elementary 37 41 48 43 47.8 44.1 Garfield Elementary 39 37 42 44 56.6 46.3 Granada Elementary 31 28 36 39 48.4 39.6 Marguerita Elementary 41 37 44 46 45.8 44.9 Monterey Highlands Elem. 55 51 58 65 42.2 50.3 Northrup Elem./Middle 28 34 32 42 63.0 44.1 Park Elementary 35 41 39 38 55.3 48.0 Ramona Elementary 43 40 46 48 58.6 47.5 Repetto Elementary 49 48 52 52 46.7 50.4 Ynez Elementary/Middle 49 41 56 52 76.4 46.4


Arcadia Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Arcadia Unified 68 72 67 75 18.4 60.1 Baldwin Stocker Elem. 77 69 73 77 26.6 60.3 Camino Grove Elementary 65 74 55 80 21.0 60.7 Highland Oaks Elementary 77 81 77 77 11.1 64.3 Holly Avenue Elementary 61 67 61 65 17.0 57.7 Hugo Reid Elementary 62 62 66 67 19.9 57.0 Longley Way Elementary 68 76 73 80 16.0 60.7 Rancho High * * --


Azusa Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Azusa Unified 21 24 26 32 42.0 36.6 Dalton Elementary 23 26 23 35 39.0 37.5 Ellington Elementary 25 27 30 32 20.1 39.1 Gladstone Street Elem. 23 26 26 33 43.2 37.2 Hodge Elementary 27 30 31 46 35.5 39.9 Lee Elementary 19 18 18 28 56.0 33.1 Magnolia Elementary 29 33 37 40 29.3 43.5 Mountain View Elementary 16 28 25 33 42.3 38.4 Murray Elementary 11 14 22 22 68.6 31.1 Paramount Elementary 17 21 18 26 30.7 34.9 Powell Elementary 24 26 40 31 33.4 38.2 Valleydale Elementary 30 21 33 34 40.3 33.8


Baldwin Park Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Baldwin Park Unified 21 21 23 24 28.0 36.0 Bursch Elementary 21 22 26 33 14.0 36.9 Central Elementary 22 18 22 19 42.7 34.6 DeAnza Elementary 16 16 15 16 2.2 32.7 Elwin Elementary 12 19 16 24 10.9 34.5 Foster Elementary 22 22 23 26 28.2 36.7 Geddes Elementary 19 14 20 17 46.3 31.0 Heath Elementary 24 22 30 30 10.7 36.7 Kenmore Elementary 18 21 18 24 13.9 35.6 Pleasant View Elementary 17 20 17 22 49.5 35.6 Santa Fe Elementary 37 42 44 47 20.1 46.3 Tracy Elementary 21 36 24 20 41.6 42.3 Vineland Elementary 23 25 36 40 29.0 38.7 Walnut Elementary 22 22 21 26 43.5 35.0


Bassett Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Bassett Unified 19 23 25 32 33.7 36.3 Don Julian Elementary 16 22 21 30 46.6 35.3 Edgewood Academy 30 25 32 33 10.2 37.5 Erwin Elementary 19 24 18 32 35.1 37.0 Sunkist Elementary 11 16 19 24 42.9 32.8 VanWig Elementary 26 27 41 41 28.3 38.5


Bellflower Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Bellflower Unified 37 39 45 45 16.5 44.3 Baxter Elementary 39 38 39 38 15.8 44.8 Bellflower Alternative -- -- -- Bellflower Unified Intensive Learning -- 65 -- 72 5.0 57.5 Foster Elementary 60 69 70 72 1.1 56.4 Jefferson Elementary 37 21 47 24 7.7 36.9 Las Flores Elementary 17 26 20 50 42.5 38.1 Lindstrom Elementary 47 57 61 63 -- 51.6 Pyle Elementary 31 32 42 37 14.3 39.1 Ramona Elementary 32 30 37 39 27.3 39.8 Washington Elementary 28 28 34 36 38.6 38.7 Williams Elementary 38 32 44 37 17.6 40.3 Woodruff Elementary 23 27 28 28 30.5 38.9



Beverly Hills Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Beverly Hills Unified 76 73 77 74 5.2 60.1 Beverly Vista Elementary 73 70 66 66 11.3 55.5 El Rodeo Elementary 78 73 78 77 2.9 60.7 Hawthorne Elementary 71 69 77 76 5.9 59.5 Horace Mann Elementary 81 78 82 74 1.3 64.4


Bonita Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Bonita Unified 49 54 48 52 5.2 49.8 Allen Avenue Elementary 48 58 41 49 3.4 51.7 Ekstrand Elementary 40 39 40 36 12.0 41.2 Gladstone Elementary 51 50 50 58 2.1 47.3 Grace Miller Elementary 50 57 47 51 2.5 50.7 LaVerne Heights Elem. 55 67 62 74 3.1 57.2 Oak Mesa Elementary 63 63 68 63 -- 53.2 Roynon Elementary 39 47 31 37 9.8 48.6 Shull Elementary 51 61 53 61 3.4 53.8


Burbank Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Burbank Unified 48 48 53 55 28.4 47.9 Disney Elementary 33 30 48 37 47.1 41.2 Edison Elementary 50 50 43 45 17.1 49.1 Emerson Elementary 50 51 55 52 28.1 49.2 Harte Elementary 52 54 64 67 16.0 50.2 Jefferson Elementary 60 64 56 69 12.9 55.5 McKinley Elementary 41 38 49 42 41.8 42.5 Miller Elementary 43 39 52 51 36.6 44.3 Providencia Elementary 28 36 41 44 47.2 44.2 Roosevelt Elementary 60 60 51 57 12.6 53.1 Stevenson Elementary 55 57 55 56 14.0 49.2 Washington Elementary 44 49 57 66 44.3 46.9


Castaic Union Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Castaic Union Elementary 52 51 53 58 11.0 51.8 Castaic Middle 52 51 53 58 11.0 51.8


Charter Oak Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Charter Oak Unified 42 46 44 42 10.6 46.2 Badillo Elementary 27 38 32 41 10.1 44.8 Cedargrove Elementary 52 53 52 48 11.7 49.2 Glen Oak Elementary 35 43 37 44 11.2 44.3 Oak Knoll Alternative * * -- Washington Elementary 48 45 47 33 14.8 43.9 Willow Elementary 54 48 57 44 3.2 46.6


Claremont Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Claremont Unified 59 61 47 53 7.4 52.8 Chaparral Elementary 68 73 55 70 3.2 58.3 Condit Elementary 71 72 56 68 1.2 58.9 Mountain View Elementary 39 48 41 46 11.5 46.8 Oakmont Elementary 43 46 33 41 17.4 48.3 Sumner Elementary 61 59 50 52 9.6 51.8 Sycamore Elementary 73 68 57 44 3.1 56.7 Vista Del Valle Elem. 37 23 27 21 15.6 34.8



Compton Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Compton Unified 15 19 19 24 13.3 35.3 Anderson Elementary 11 11 15 18 -- 27.5 Bunche Elementary 30 22 26 24 17.7 38.0 Bursch Elementary 15 31 20 40 -- 40.6 Caldwell Street Elem. 40 40 32 32 -- 42.8 Carver Elementary 23 12 17 15 -- 32.8 Dickison Elementary 15 27 20 30 38.3 37.6 Emerson Elementary 10 16 13 17 2.4 32.6 Foster Elementary 26 26 22 30 -- 41.2 Jefferson Elementary 21 26 36 40 -- 36.6 Kelly Elementary 12 16 18 22 20.6 33.3 Kennedy Elementary 20 22 24 27 32.9 37.9 King Elementary 7 13 11 14 35.1 32.3 Laurel Street Elementary 19 19 26 22 19.0 34.7 Lincoln Elementary 9 13 13 20 40.0 33.0 Longfellow Elementary 17 21 17 19 -- 32.7 McNair Elementary 22 22 26 34 8.3 40.2 Roosevelt Elementary 10 20 16 31 -- 37.6 Rosecrans Elementary 11 12 15 22 77.2 30.8 Tibby Elementary 16 17 18 18 7.8 35.8 Vanguard Learning Center 8 17 12 20 31.7 35.6 Washington Elementary 14 12 20 19 -- 30.8 Willard Elementary 11 19 16 26 -- 33.9


Covina-Valley Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Covina-Valley Unified 44 45 45 50 17.1 46.8 Barranca Elementary 53 60 62 68 12.0 51.4 Ben Lomond Elementary 66 48 66 55 8.4 49.5 Covina Elementary 32 30 25 24 14.2 42.3 Cypress Elementary 28 40 27 36 11.9 46.4 Grovecenter Elementary 60 47 61 57 19.2 39.1 Lark Ellen Elementary 32 43 35 46 21.0 45.0 Manzanita Elementary 30 37 29 43 21.7 42.9 Merwin Elementary 37 40 41 50 31.1 44.5 Mesa Elementary 57 62 61 69 13.9 55.7 Rowland Avenue Elem. 48 50 53 63 15.2 50.1 Valencia Elementary 32 37 29 37 23.3 42.7 Workman Avenue Elem. 34 40 35 46 19.4 43.4


Culver City Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Culver City Unified 48 55 42 49 19.6 50.3 El Marino Elementary 61 73 61 64 9.0 58.9 El Rincon Elementary 44 42 43 41 17.1 46.1 Farragut Elementary 57 59 41 47 17.9 52.9 Howe Elementary 46 45 41 49 17.3 46.1 La Ballona Elementary 37 50 30 41 36.9 46.3


Downey Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Downey Unified 40 38 44 44 23.2 43.8 Alameda Elementary 45 33 54 39 28.1 42.7 Carpenter Elementary 39 34 47 38 27.3 43.2 Gallatin Elementary 53 55 59 65 14.6 50.2 Gauldin Elementary 27 26 27 27 38.0 38.2 Lewis Elementary 42 44 45 54 27.7 49.1 Old River Elementary 39 33 45 39 19.1 39.7 Pace Elementary 30 31 36 49 15.1 38.6 Price Elementary 44 43 36 39 24.0 45.5 Rio Hondo Elementary 42 46 41 49 25.1 47.6 Rio San Gabriel Elem. 49 53 53 63 16.4 52.4 Unsworth Elementary 36 42 40 45 20.6 47.2 Ward Elementary 32 24 37 37 24.9 37.7


Duarte Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Duarte Unified 30 37 35 52 40.0 43.5 Andres Duarte Elementary 26 21 24 32 34.4 35.6 Beardslee Elementary 26 48 37 75 53.1 48.3 Maxwell Elementary 14 16 20 24 70.2 31.2 Royal Oaks Elementary 50 48 52 54 20.3 47.5 Valley View Elementary 38 44 49 68 28.6 48.7


East Whittier City Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 East Whittier City Elem. 37 43 35 45 19.8 45.3 Ceres Elementary 19 21 21 24 33.0 35.4 Evergreen Elementary 13 25 20 33 63.9 35.7 La Colima Elementary 30 37 23 30 23.3 42.1 Laurel Elementary 29 44 30 49 21.3 45.9 Leffingwell Elementary 49 50 41 55 5.8 48.3 Mulberry Elementary 37 37 24 35 25.7 42.7 Murphy Ranch Elementary 61 69 72 66 1.7 55.2 Ocean View Elementary 54 57 47 61 4.9 51.5 Orchard Dale Elementary 47 42 47 43 6.5 45.6 Scott Avenue Elementary 49 54 49 61 8.5 50.9



Eastside Union Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Eastside Union Elem. 29 30 30 27 15.6 38.9 Eastside Elementary 22 23 22 25 26.6 34.8 Tierra Bonita South Elem. 34 33 36 28 10.8 40.8


El Monte City Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 El Monte City Elementary 20 25 29 35 61.8 37.5 Cherrylee Elementary 35 45 40 45 43.7 47.1 Cleminson Elementary 31 39 39 39 23.1 42.9 Columbia Elementary 13 16 14 24 70.3 31.2 Cortada Elementary 19 25 35 48 75.4 38.5 Durfee Elementary 18 19 26 28 57.2 33.0 Gidley Elementary 37 37 37 43 21.5 44.8 LeGore Elementary 24 28 30 31 70.2 40.4 Loma Elementary 8 12 10 19 82.7 28.9 Mulhall Elementary 19 21 26 29 59.4 33.8 New Lexington Elementary 21 32 33 45 61.3 41.3 Norwood Elementary 29 22 41 33 70.4 35.9 Potrero Elementary 12 21 27 46 83.2 34.9 Rio Hondo Elementary 28 34 31 35 51.5 43.0 Rio Vista Elementary 35 29 36 38 41.4 40.0 Shirpser Elementary 12 17 23 27 74.8 32.5 Wilkerson Elementary 22 28 43 43 66.3 38.6 Wright Elementary 20 21 26 32 62.9 36.3


El Rancho Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 El Rancho Unified 24 29 23 29 32.9 38.6 Birney Elementary 23 40 22 43 28.1 42.8 Durfee Elementary 30 41 24 33 15.1 43.6 Magee Elementary 19 35 24 35 30.6 40.9 Meller Elementary 29 27 18 26 27.0 37.4 North Ranchito Elem. 23 23 20 29 60.5 33.6 Pio Pico Elementary 10 27 13 27 40.0 37.7 Rio Vista Elementary 27 24 24 22 24.0 37.1 Rivera Elementary 28 35 30 33 37.3 41.0 Selby Grove Elementary -- 20 -- 25 32.5 34.2 South Ranchito Elem. 23 22 22 23 46.0 35.1 Valencia Elementary 30 28 22 22 21.3 38.4


El Segundo Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 El Segundo Unified 72 73 71 76 -- 58.6 Center Street Elementary 72 73 71 76 -- 58.6


Garvey Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Garvey Elementary 30 32 38 45 42.7 41.6 Bitely Elementary 25 29 33 43 49.4 40.6 Dewey Avenue Elementary 49 49 60 65 29.8 48.2 Duff Elementary 22 23 26 34 34.3 35.6 Emerson Elementary 39 43 53 61 25.3 48.3 Hillcrest Elementary 47 46 47 50 22.9 46.6 Marshall Elementary 32 29 49 42 66.0 40.4 Monterey Vista Elem. 37 32 44 48 34.2 40.5 Rice Elementary 29 29 39 39 49.0 40.8 Sanchez Elementary 28 24 33 37 56.5 36.6 Willard Elementary 15 27 21 44 67.1 38.8 Williams Elementary 27 28 26 37 42.0 40.5


Glendora Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Glendora Unified 61 64 60 60 2.4 53.4 Cullen Elementary 64 72 53 60 2.9 56.4 La Fetra Elementary 57 57 61 59 3.2 51.2 Sellers Elementary 68 68 70 66 1.0 56.8 Stanton Elementary 61 52 50 45 4.4 47.2 Sutherland Elementary 58 66 65 65 -- 53.8 Williams Elementary 50 67 57 65 4.0 54.8



Gorman Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Gorman Elementary 46 34 40 22 -- 39.3 Gorman Elementary 46 34 40 22 -- 39.3


Hacienda La Puente Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Hacienda La Puente Unified 30 32 31 34 34.1 41.5 Baldwin Elementary 20 20 21 28 47.5 36.0 Bixby Elementary 32 32 35 30 21.4 41.7 California Elementary 14 24 21 31 39.2 37.6 Del Valle Elementary 17 16 14 12 56.4 31.3 Fairgrove Academy 29 40 22 26 24.0 44.9 Glenelder Elementary 23 20 23 23 36.8 35.2 Grandview Elementary 11 16 9 13 41.1 30.3 Grazide Elementary 69 78 66 83 5.1 62.5 Kwis Elementary 28 23 29 23 17.2 35.6 Lassalette Elementary 22 19 30 24 50.0 34.0 Los Altos Elementary 61 59 67 65 16.0 54.4 Los Molinos Elementary 69 67 76 76 21.0 56.2 Los Robles Academy 52 50 54 50 15.6 49.1 Mesa Robles Elementary 54 71 66 74 13.9 57.6 Nelson Elementary 20 24 23 32 45.5 34.8 Palm Elementary 24 33 21 28 26.5 42.8 Puente Hills High * * -- Shadybend Elementary 18 28 21 36 50.0 41.7 Sparks Elementary 14 18 14 17 52.2 33.1 Sunset Elementary 24 19 21 23 41.9 33.8 Temple Academy 15 23 17 24 48.2 36.5 Valinda Elementary 21 27 23 38 36.6 40.9 Wedgeworth Elementary 53 53 62 62 16.3 50.9 Wing Lane Elementary 26 27 23 23 47.7 37.3 Workman Elementary 26 15 24 19 41.3 33.0


Hawthorne Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Hawthorne Elementary 20 24 25 31 44.1 35.6 Eucalyptus Elementary 18 21 24 28 55.0 34.3 Jefferson Elementary 26 30 31 39 35.7 38.7 Ramona Elementary 31 44 38 48 29.5 43.6 Washington Elementary 17 17 20 22 42.3 31.5 Williams Elementary 21 22 23 29 40.7 34.8 York Elementary 14 21 23 30 56.4 34.5


Hermosa Beach City Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Hermosa Beach City Elem. 74 80 74 79 -- 64.8 Hermosa Valley Elem. 74 80 74 79 -- 64.8


Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Union Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Union Elementary 52 65 51 69 -- 54.0 Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Elementary 52 65 51 69 -- 54.0


Inglewood Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Inglewood Unified 31 35 37 48 8.8 43.2 Bennett/Kew Elementary 45 57 57 69 6.7 55.7 Centinela Elementary 21 35 26 49 25.7 43.2 Freeman Elementary 46 41 35 53 -- 43.5 Highland Elementary 34 36 47 45 0.7 41.7 Hudnall Elementary 41 37 56 50 2.2 42.6 Kelso Elementary 53 58 64 77 3.7 54.6 La Tijera Elementary 22 30 22 39 2.8 40.4 Lane Elementary 18 21 16 17 -- 33.9 Oak Street Elementary 29 33 38 51 9.3 43.1 Parent Elementary 61 49 62 61 -- 51.4 Payne Elementary 31 35 43 61 4.1 43.8 Woodworth Elementary 18 29 24 31 23.0 38.0 Worthington Elementary 21 16 22 24 9.7 33.2



Keppel Union Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Keppel Union Elementary 36 32 31 28 9.8 40.6 Alpine Elementary 40 37 37 42 11.2 43.1 Antelope Elementary 29 26 24 22 34.3 37.8 Daisy Gibson Elementary 36 27 28 21 5.4 37.7 Lake Los Angeles Elem. 34 26 32 20 4.6 37.5 Pearblossom Elementary 40 46 32 41 6.6 48.2


La Canada Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 La Canada Unified 80 83 78 82 5.1 65.8 La Canada Elementary 82 88 78 90 4.4 69.8 Palm Crest Elementary 76 82 76 78 6.1 64.9 Paradise Canyon Elem. 82 80 78 78 4.8 63.4


Lancaster Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Lancaster Elementary 37 37 30 32 7.7 42.1 Cory Elementary 45 44 39 39 3.2 45.3 Desert View Elementary 32 28 23 27 12.5 38.0 El Dorado Elementary 37 31 32 27 4.4 39.9 Joshua Elementary 28 37 25 33 8.6 41.6 Lancaster Discovery & Achievement * 43 * 33 -- 43.0 Lancaster Elementary 41 35 36 29 6.1 41.1 Lincoln Elementary 46 43 36 36 3.9 44.9 Linda Verde Elementary 27 22 23 20 20.9 35.3 Mariposa Elementary 31 32 21 23 11.7 40.6 Monte Vista Elementary 55 50 44 41 4.4 45.4 New Vista Elementary 34 39 27 40 4.6 43.3 Sierra Elementary 37 38 29 35 7.2 43.7 Sunnydale Elementary 32 40 28 32 6.1 43.5


Las Virgenes Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Las Virgenes Unified 76 74 71 72 5.4 60.2 Bay Laurel Elementary 67 69 65 68 4.4 60.1 Chaparral Elementary 78 77 77 73 7.5 59.7 Lupin Hill Elementary 72 65 63 65 8.6 57.3 Round Meadow Elementary 70 80 70 77 4.3 62.6 Sumac Elementary 72 74 59 70 7.1 60.5 White Oak Elementary 85 80 75 78 3.4 62.8 Willow Elementary 81 71 76 70 4.0 60.3 Yerba Buena Elementary 77 72 76 76 4.5 58.7


Lawndale Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Lawndale Elementary 23 27 25 33 44.0 38.6 Addams Elementary 21 22 22 27 49.2 35.4 Anderson Elementary 25 26 29 26 56.2 37.8 Green Elementary 23 25 30 43 50.9 37.7 Mitchell Elementary 18 30 20 28 34.1 39.0 Roosevelt Elementary 13 15 16 22 53.7 32.9 Twain Elementary 54 56 43 56 8.1 51.7


Lennox Elementary


Rad Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Lennox Elementary 14 17 20 23 83.2 32.6 Buford Elementary 20 16 26 28 85.7 33.2 Felton Elementary 12 20 19 24 84.5 31.1 Jefferson Elementary 14 15 20 20 85.8 31.8 Moffett Elementary 14 16 18 19 73.7 33.8 Whelan Elementary 11 18 15 27 90.7 32.1



Little Lake City Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Little Lake City Elem. 28 34 31 35 28.9 41.4 Cresson Elementary 30 34 34 46 21.1 42.4 Jersey Avenue Elementary 24 33 36 26 43.1 40.3 Lakeland Elementary 30 33 33 29 29.9 40.3 Lakeview Elementary 31 34 35 40 17.8 42.0 Orr Elementary 30 32 31 33 36.7 41.4 Paddison Elementary 24 30 26 33 25.4 41.2 Studebaker Elementary 27 37 22 40 26.2 42.1


Los Angeles County Office of Education


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Los Angeles County Office of Education 10 6 8 4 12.7 25.0


Los Angeles Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Los Angeles Unified 23 25 27 30 52.9 37.5 Accelerated Charter 45 28 40 57 46.7 41.2 Albion Street Elementary 25 21 35 31 79.6 33.5 Aldama Elementary 16 17 19 22 70.6 32.2 Alexandria Avenue Elem. 14 25 20 29 89.8 35.2 Allesandro Elementary 23 25 33 31 57.9 36.2 Alta Loma Elementary 12 16 14 23 47.2 33.1 Ambler Avenue Elementary 33 42 37 40 5.0 46.4 Amestoy Elementary 21 21 25 24 36.3 34.9 Anatola Avenue Elementary 34 37 37 54 26.7 44.5 Andasol Avenue Elementary 55 56 62 57 18.8 49.9 Angeles Mesa Elementary 19 23 16 20 15.5 36.1 Ann Street Elementary 9 11 18 16 70.0 27.6 Annalee Avenue Elem. 24 34 26 25 1.4 40.2 Annandale Elementary 27 21 22 27 45.2 35.1 Apperson Street Elem. 39 50 41 57 5.7 46.8 Aragon Avenue Elementary 15 23 21 33 67.8 36.6 Arlington Heights Elem. 12 15 16 18 66.7 32.0 Arminta Street Elem. 17 16 24 21 72.4 32.5 Arroyo Seco Alternative 37 29 30 42 40.7 41.1 Ascot Avenue Elementary 8 12 16 20 82.5 30.3 Atwater Avenue Elem. 21 28 19 31 57.2 38.1 Avalon Gardens Elem. 21 23 16 22 3.4 35.3 Balboa Gifted/High Ability Magnet 84 87 88 91 -- 70.0 Baldwin Hills Elementary 33 41 30 32 5.3 46.0 Bandini Street Elem. 23 32 25 29 24.7 40.0 Barrett Elmentary 19 14 26 22 41.6 32.3 Barton Hill Elementary 16 18 18 20 54.4 32.8 Bassett Street Elem. 13 18 18 27 69.5 33.5 Beachy Avenue Elementary 13 22 17 22 58.4 35.3 Beckford Avenue Elem. 58 63 66 69 8.5 54.3 Beethoven Street Elem. 47 53 48 54 20.4 50.1 Bellagio Rd Newcomer Ctr * * 50.0 Belvedere Elementary 19 18 33 33 48.3 34.2 Bertrand Avenue Elem. 19 18 26 24 63.7 34.9 Blythe Street Elementary 16 33 21 37 59.3 42.3 Bonita Street Elementary 32 37 42 42 16.9 43.7 Braddock Drive Elem. 17 19 23 30 70.7 34.9 Brainard Avenue Elem. 34 50 41 42 8.4 44.7 Breed Street Elementary 18 12 24 22 77.2 31.0 Brentwood Science 59 59 57 55 21.7 53.1 Bridge Street Elementary 10 17 16 22 69.8 30.0 Bright Elementary 26 29 26 47 43.2 36.4 Broad Avenue Elementary 23 31 26 39 38.5 39.6 Broadacres Avenue Elem. 36 38 38 35 -- 42.2 Broadous Elementary 12 12 15 14 69.8 29.0 Broadway Elementary 18 24 15 26 46.2 35.2 Brockton Avenue Elem. 30 34 43 36 62.0 40.9 Brooklyn Avenue Elem. 19 16 29 25 65.7 31.9 Bryson Avenue Elementary 21 28 26 32 52.6 37.5 Buchanan Street Elem. 31 35 40 45 52.8 40.9 Budlong Avenue Elem. 12 14 14 19 52.2 31.9 Burbank Boulevard Elem. 25 26 25 26 51.2 38.2 Burton Street Elementary 19 18 19 16 80.2 34.7 Bushnell Way Elementary 17 15 19 22 53.1 32.6 Cabrillo Avenue Elem. 23 28 21 24 33.7 39.0 Cahuenga Elementary 39 33 45 45 71.7 42.3 Calabash Street Elem. 70 61 74 66 20.1 52.4 Calahan Street Elem. 48 43 44 46 18.8 44.9 Calvert Street Elem. 37 51 38 47 25.4 49.6 Camellia Avenue Elem. 13 14 18 21 72.7 29.9 Canfield Avenue Elem. 53 54 72 47 12.8 47.3 Canoga Park Elementary 18 19 22 20 69.7 33.1 Cantara Street Elem. 21 28 22 37 72.3 36.6 Canterbury Avenue Elem. 47 35 56 36 47.2 42.9 Canyon Elementary 67 78 65 73 5.2 59.9 Capistrano Avenue Elem. 56 38 48 40 28.0 42.6 Caroldale Learning Community 40 39 41 45 22.1 44.3 Carpenter Avenue Elem. 71 71 65 72 7.4 59.5 Carson Street Elementary 26 27 30 33 33.9 38.1 Carthay Center Elem. 42 38 33 41 26.2 43.4 Castelar Street Elem. 32 42 54 67 58.9 46.9 Castle Heights Elem. 59 51 54 46 11.8 46.8 Castlebay Lane Elem. 67 71 73 74 1.9 58.8 Catskill Avenue Elem. 19 26 23 35 54.7 37.6 Century Park Elementary 24 23 25 24 12.3 37.7 Chandler Elementary 32 41 29 44 42.2 43.4 Chapman Elementary 36 42 40 49 24.1 44.7 Charnock Road Elementary 25 28 23 31 47.0 39.5 Chase Street Elementary 18 25 22 40 58.3 37.7 Chatsworth Park Elem. 40 57 44 59 19.0 48.2 Cheremoya Avenue Elem. 23 21 25 24 76.3 36.2 Cienega Elementary 16 20 17 24 51.0 35.2 Cimarron Avenue Elem. 25 33 17 27 -- 40.5 City of Angels 61 49 36 31 -- 48.6 City Terrace Elementary 18 16 26 20 71.9 32.0 Clifford Street Elem. 30 35 47 47 67.6 40.3 Clover Avenue Elementary 55 69 72 77 19.5 56.6 Coeur d’Alene Avenue Elementary 59 60 51 56 13.5 50.7 Cohasset Street Elem. 16 18 15 22 45.0 32.4 Coldwater Canyon Avenue Elementary 16 19 21 23 80.9 33.3 Colfax Avenue Elementary 40 47 42 46 30.6 45.3 Coliseum Street Elem. 21 17 16 14 5.2 33.2 Commonwealth Avenue Elem. 24 26 31 41 67.4 39.0 Community 63 63 62 72 8.7 55.5 Compton Avenue Elem. 15 19 22 25 57.6 34.0 Corona Avenue Elementary 15 19 19 27 58.1 34.5 Cowan Avenue Elementary 56 64 53 64 -- 54.7 Crescent Heights Boulevard Elementary 22 22 19 23 11.0 36.5 Crestwood Street Elem. 58 54 58 63 4.0 50.5 Dahlia Heights Elem. 52 44 53 42 26.2 43.0 Danube Avenue Elementary 29 42 30 46 24.2 43.9 Darby Avenue Elementary 43 40 39 52 24.4 42.8 Dayton Heights Elem. 17 13 23 21 75.8 30.7 Dearborn Street Elem. 53 50 39 46 7.5 46.8 Del Amo Elementary 39 28 39 31 14.8 37.1 Delevan Drive Elementary 48 50 56 50 34.6 46.4 Dena Elementary 13 16 18 27 82.5 31.6 Denker Avenue Elementary 29 27 34 29 27.0 39.4 Dixie Canyon Avenue Elem. 57 60 60 56 11.9 52.9 Dolores Street Elementary 21 35 23 34 25.3 42.6 Dominguez Elementary 19 28 20 31 36.0 38.4 Dorris Place Elementary 24 22 35 34 69.8 36.7 Dublin Fundamental Career Awar 22 28 19 26 5.4 39.3 Dyer Street Elementary 24 27 31 37 61.0 37.2 Eagle Rock Elementary 48 54 48 59 29.2 52.2 Eastman Avenue Elem. 16 17 27 26 76.5 33.7 El Dorado Avenue Elem. 33 28 34 38 64.7 39.7 El Oro Way Elementary 38 43 42 37 18.6 44.8 El Sereno Elementary 24 22 35 35 58.3 35.9 Elizabeth Learning Ctr 14 13 16 14 79.3 30.8 Elysian Heights Elem. 20 30 22 29 52.7 37.1 Emelita Street Elem. 48 46 65 57 21.0 47.0 Encino Elementary 50 40 53 58 57.1 44.7 Erwin Street Elementary 20 21 18 23 66.9 35.4 Eshelman Avenue Elem. 23 37 27 52 15.9 44.8 Esperanza Elementary 10 10 15 17 95.8 26.1 Euclid Avenue Elementary 23 24 26 30 71.4 37.1 Evergreen Avenue Elem. 24 15 26 24 74.5 32.2 Fair Avenue Elementary 26 22 36 29 80.6 34.0 Fairburn Avenue Elem. 76 82 76 82 9.1 64.0 Farmdale Elementary 16 20 19 29 49.6 35.0 Fenton Avenue Elementary 15 24 21 29 59.3 36.2 Fernangeles Elementary 14 16 19 21 68.6 30.7 Figueroa Street Elem. 11 11 15 13 52.6 28.9 Fishburn Avenue Elem. 13 22 18 25 73.7 34.0 Fletcher Drive Elem. 14 14 17 21 71.5 30.1 Florence Avenue Elem. 12 11 19 18 73.1 28.7 Flournoy Elementary 18 17 20 25 40.0 34.8 Ford Boulevard Elem. 20 17 28 26 78.5 32.0 Foshay Learning Center 27 23 26 27 55.9 36.2 Franklin Avenue Elem. 44 47 50 44 20.1 45.0 Fries Avenue Elementary 15 19 16 25 47.6 33.3 Fullbright Avenue Elem. 23 23 33 23 51.3 36.4 Garden Grove Elementary 29 30 31 33 60.4 40.1 Gardena Elementary 13 26 18 34 72.8 37.5 Gardner Street Elem. 30 45 48 55 45.4 45.9 Garvanza Elementary 17 24 23 27 48.1 36.9 Gates Street Elementary 17 17 23 25 79.4 33.4 Gault Street Elementary 26 30 28 32 48.0 38.8 Germain Street Elem. 66 65 67 67 15.1 54.3 Glassell Park Elementary 18 20 23 29 75.9 35.4 Gledhill Street Elem. 34 42 43 48 37.1 44.2 Glen Alta Elementary 12 22 26 37 71.9 35.8 Glenfeliz Boulevard Elem. 31 39 46 55 39.3 44.6 Glenwood Elementary 18 15 31 24 71.6 31.7 Graham Elementary 10 16 12 16 69.9 32.2 Granada Elementary 30 42 33 52 23.1 43.3 Grand View Blvd. Elem. 32 32 42 38 46.2 38.8 Grant Elementary 20 17 27 27 88.4 33.6 Grape Street Elementary 8 9 10 13 61.7 29.1 Gratts Elementary 9 9 12 14 79.4 27.6 Gridley Street Elem. 19 20 21 21 55.0 34.3 Griffin Avenue Elem. 18 21 24 33 72.0 35.5 Gulf Avenue Elementary 13 16 15 22 64.0 31.7 Haddon Avenue Elementary 13 17 16 21 73.1 32.0 Halldale Elementary 28 25 33 34 32.0 39.6 Hamasaki Elementary 13 16 23 24 71.8 30.3 Hamlin Street Elementary 34 34 37 48 43.3 42.9 Hammel Street Elementary 15 16 33 29 57.1 32.2 Hancock Park Elementary 68 63 75 67 7.4 54.8 Harbor City Elementary 17 25 20 26 63.1 37.8 Harding Street Elem. 26 28 26 29 28.4 37.3 Harrison Street Elem. 16 14 23 17 72.7 30.4 Hart Street Elementary 17 16 24 23 65.8 32.5 Haskell Elementary 34 39 38 41 31.1 42.3 Hawaiian Avenue Elem. 13 13 17 16 69.4 29.5 Haynes Elementary -- 40 -- 41 20.1 46.0 Hazeltine Avenue Elem. 16 17 20 21 71.7 32.5 Heliotrope Avenue Elem. 14 14 20 20 82.6 29.8 Herrick Avenue Elem. 26 33 30 37 45.7 40.3 Hillcrest Drive Elem. 15 16 13 16 28.4 32.8 Hillside Elementary 21 16 24 21 64.3 32.1 Hobart Boulevard Elem. 26 30 42 49 78.1 41.0 Holmes Avenue Elementary 8 8 10 13 60.6 27.0 Hooper Avenue Elementary 8 10 10 12 83.0 27.6 Hoover Street Elementary 13 14 18 20 94.4 30.8 Hubbard Street Elem. 26 26 33 31 48.4 36.9 Hughes Elementary 22 20 28 25 72.5 35.2 Humphreys Avenue Elem. 27 16 36 30 69.6 33.6 Huntington Drive Elem. 16 17 27 33 48.2 32.7 Hyde Park Blvd. Elem. 11 13 8 11 39.5 30.8 Ivanhoe Elementary 60 73 51 72 17.4 59.8 Justice Street Elem. 49 52 44 51 12.6 50.3 Kennedy Elementary 21 19 23 26 71.3 34.3 Kenter Canyon Elementary 74 77 78 73 7.7 60.9 Kentwood Elementary 54 59 38 59 1.3 51.9 Kester Avenue Elementary 47 53 45 50 34.2 49.9 King Elementary 27 33 25 51 47.2 42.4 Kittridge Street Elem. 15 22 15 24 73.9 35.1 Knollwood Elementary 29 33 34 37 33.7 41.4 La Salle Avenue Elem. 17 18 14 17 15.0 33.4 Lanai Road Elementary 40 23 36 26 55.9 35.8 Lane Elementary 33 58 40 64 12.8 52.3 Langdon Avenue Elem. 11 10 15 15 89.3 28.1 Lankershim Elementary 21 18 24 24 71.2 34.0 Lassen Elementary 16 30 29 36 42.1 39.3 Latona Avenue Elementary 26 25 31 30 64.2 36.8 Laurel Elementary 26 42 42 54 40.0 43.1 Leapwood Avenue Elem. 24 30 26 19 2.8 38.4 Leland Street Elementary 32 41 38 40 14.5 43.7 Lemay Street Elementary 15 36 20 41 33.8 42.8 Liberty Boulevard Elem. 17 19 21 26 51.7 33.4 Liggett Street Elem. 19 16 24 27 73.1 31.7 Lillian Street Elem. 15 11 22 17 82.0 29.9 Limerick Avenue Elem. 27 33 31 34 55.2 39.9 Lockhurst Drive Elem. 47 58 39 62 9.6 52.5 Lockwood Avenue Elem. 13 14 15 17 85.6 30.0 Logan Street Elementary 13 20 19 32 67.1 35.1 Loma Vista Avenue Elem. 17 16 19 19 72.0 31.9 Lomita Fundamental Center Elementary 48 52 44 49 6.5 50.6 Lorena Street Elementary 10 18 14 19 67.3 34.0 Loreto Street Elementary 18 18 23 20 81.1 33.9 Lorne Street Elementary 53 52 56 57 9.3 48.1 Los Angeles Elementary 18 19 30 24 86.8 33.9 Los Feliz Elementary 24 26 42 39 76.0 37.7 Loyola Village Elem. 60 56 52 53 6.1 51.7 Magnolia Avenue Elem. 17 15 24 22 88.7 32.6 Main Street Elementary 14 12 20 19 68.0 30.0 Malabar Street Elem. 12 18 16 29 65.2 33.4 Manchester Avenue Elem. 10 14 12 16 57.6 30.2 Manhattan Place Elem. 22 19 23 23 10.5 35.9 Mar Vista Elementary 57 61 52 63 14.6 54.4 Marianna Avenue Elem. 24 23 38 41 69.6 36.3 Marquez Avenue Elem. 79 81 71 80 6.9 61.4 Marvin Elementary 13 19 14 22 59.3 32.6 Mayall Street Elementary 32 39 30 46 27.0 43.1 Mayberry Street Elem. 32 29 40 37 69.6 36.2 McKinley Avenue Elem. 19 20 18 24 62.3 36.7 Melrose Avenue Elem. 21 41 22 35 35.3 45.0 Melvin Avenue Elementary 26 30 30 36 26.9 38.5 Menlo Avenue Elementary 10 9 12 12 65.2 27.1 Meyler Street Elementary 20 23 26 41 36.5 36.8 Micheltorena Street Elem 12 18 18 17 70.0 33.0 Mid City Alternative 22 20 18 17 24.1 34.7 Middleton Street Elem. 8 14 13 19 78.7 30.1 Miles Avenue Elementary 15 17 17 25 68.3 33.3 Miller Elementary 9 14 13 17 57.3 31.3 Miramonte Elementary 9 10 13 17 85.2 28.5 Monlux Elementary 35 38 36 46 54.0 42.4 Montague Street Elem. 14 17 15 23 73.1 33.8 Montara Avenue Elem. 15 19 19 29 73.0 33.8 Monte Vista Street Elem. 24 23 30 30 61.6 35.4 Morningside Elementary 19 17 23 25 81.3 32.3 Mountain View Elementary 28 27 28 33 31.1 38.3 Mt. Washington Elem. 70 81 56 73 3.9 62.1 Multnomah Street Elem. 48 42 57 53 32.8 44.6 Murchison Street Elem. 14 14 22 19 83.0 29.3 Napa Street Elementary 11 13 13 20 79.7 29.6 Nestle Avenue Elementary 51 50 46 59 29.6 49.9 Nevada Avenue Elementary 30 25 30 27 48.2 37.5 Nevin Avenue Elementary 14 13 14 17 84.1 29.2 Noble Avenue Elementary 14 15 18 15 78.8 31.1 Normandie Avenue Elem. 12 15 12 19 45.1 32.4 Normont Elementary 19 15 23 22 58.4 31.2 Norwood Street Elem. 16 15 18 20 87.1 31.0 Nueva Vista Elementary 18 23 21 29 61.7 36.3 O’Melveny Elementary 20 22 31 33 54.0 34.3 Open Magnet Charter 68 73 62 72 25.7 59.1 Osceola Street Elem. 24 25 27 25 56.5 37.2 Overland Avenue Elem. 63 76 59 75 6.6 60.6 Oxnard Street Elementary 24 25 30 36 79.2 39.3 Pacific Palisades Elem. 75 70 74 65 20.8 56.2 Pacoima Elementary 8 10 12 14 78.9 28.1 Palms Elementary 25 30 27 32 55.5 39.7 Park Avenue Elementary 15 15 20 22 78.3 29.4 Park Western Place Elem. 62 64 66 69 16.2 56.1 Parmelee Avenue Elem. 12 12 16 19 75.3 29.3 Parthenia Street Elem. 20 16 20 17 74.5 31.9 Paseo del Rey Natural Science Magnet 45 49 48 50 11.9 50.1 Pinewood Avenue Elem. 19 24 19 26 51.4 35.8 Pio Pico Elementary 19 23 26 28 75.0 36.6 Plainview Avenue Elem. 28 33 23 27 35.3 40.7 Plasencia Elementary 27 20 43 29 71.6 34.9 Playa del Rey Elementary 44 40 32 44 48.4 47.2 Plummer Elementary 11 14 13 18 82.3 30.8 Point Fermin Elementary 39 43 43 31 6.0 42.7 Politi Elementary 17 14 28 20 85.3 30.7 Pomelo Drive Elementary 70 68 70 64 0.8 57.5 President Avenue Elem. 37 32 30 39 5.5 40.5 Purche Avenue Elementary 22 18 26 17 5.8 35.8 Queen Anne Place Elem. 15 15 24 21 79.3 32.8 Ramona Elementary 26 30 34 42 77.5 40.0 Ranchito Avenue Elem. 18 20 19 25 64.9 34.3 Raymond Avenue Elem. 16 14 16 14 34.8 30.8 Reseda Elementary 15 25 23 32 60.3 37.9 Richland Avenue Elem. 36 44 35 62 38.0 48.6 Rio Vista Elementary 36 39 38 36 32.1 42.1 Ritter Elementary 11 10 15 14 40.0 29.5 Riverside Drive Elem. 51 52 41 56 13.9 50.4 Rockdale Elementary 32 30 40 39 17.4 37.2 Roscoe Elementary 15 19 20 23 79.8 33.7 Roscomare Road Elem. 78 79 74 89 2.1 63.1 Rosemont Avenue Elem. 22 20 29 30 75.8 35.5 Rosewood Avenue Elem. 43 39 43 38 45.3 43.5 Rowan Avenue Elementary 12 23 18 24 63.6 36.0 Russell Elementary 11 18 15 24 72.4 35.2 San Antonio Elementary 16 17 12 20 70.0 31.2 San Fernando Elementary 12 22 17 30 73.2 36.0 San Gabriel Avenue Elem. 17 20 21 23 74.8 34.2 San Jose Street Elem. 59 49 55 50 30.3 46.8 San Miguel Elementary 24 20 28 25 66.3 33.6 San Pascual Avenue Elem. 38 33 40 30 37.2 38.5 San Pedro Street Elem. 15 15 25 26 76.9 31.1 Santa Monica Boulevard Elementary 18 19 23 21 84.9 33.5 Saticoy Elementary 24 31 31 40 51.0 40.9 Saturn Street Elementary 23 20 27 28 54.3 35.6 Selma Avenue Elementary 16 20 30 32 62.8 33.3 Serrania Avenue Elem. 44 60 43 56 16.2 53.6 Sharp Avenue Elementary 15 13 20 18 84.1 29.0 Shenandoah Street Elem. 19 18 20 22 51.0 32.6 Sheridan Street Elem. 16 13 24 19 73.0 30.1 Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies 64 68 52 63 16.3 57.3 Sherman Oaks Elementary 56 53 49 59 16.8 51.2 Shirley Avenue Elem. 49 65 54 66 46.1 50.8 Short Avenue Elementary 33 47 34 40 35.6 46.4 Sierra Park Elementary 20 21 29 30 43.3 34.9 Sierra Vista Elementary 15 17 17 31 50.0 30.1 Solano Avenue Elementary 49 46 56 52 46.6 46.5 Soto Street Elementary 13 17 16 29 71.9 31.7 South Gate New Elementary #4 19 19 30 27 64.1 32.3 South Park Elementary 11 12 15 15 58.9 28.6 South Shores/CSUDH Visual & Performing Arts 62 66 56 62 2.2 54.0 Stagg Street Elementary 20 24 25 33 42.9 36.2 Stanford Avenue Elem. 14 13 25 22 81.1 29.1 State Street Elementary 14 16 15 20 76.0 32.1 Sterry Elementary 40 35 47 45 51.7 44.0 Stonehurst Avenue Elem. 16 20 17 24 56.3 34.0 Stoner Avenue Elementary 22 21 21 29 64.8 35.3 Strathern Street Elem. 25 21 22 28 59.9 34.4 Sunland Elementary 34 34 34 40 23.9 41.5 Sunny Brae Avenue Elem. 19 21 22 29 69.4 37.3 Sunrise Elementary 18 22 28 41 83.0 35.8 Superior Street Elem. 25 54 23 53 14.5 46.8 Sylmar Elementary 14 14 18 18 53.3 29.3 Sylvan Park Elementary 13 14 13 14 81.8 30.0 Taper Avenue Elementary 50 59 55 59 5.3 51.4 Tarzana Elementary 22 28 24 34 39.5 40.6 Telfair Avenue Elem. 14 15 20 21 63.3 30.8 Toland Way Elementary 29 32 42 45 46.1 42.1 Toluca Lake Elementary 23 23 28 30 45.6 35.9 Topanga Elementary 81 76 70 70 2.0 61.9 Topeka Drive Elementary 53 62 52 71 9.4 54.4 Towne Avenue Elementary 45 42 49 55 27.1 43.7 Trinity Street Elem. 11 10 15 20 77.8 27.8 Tulsa Street Elementary 39 37 43 57 23.9 39.7 Tweedy Elementary 18 23 19 27 53.1 34.5 Union Avenue Elementary 13 13 19 18 90.0 30.4 Utah Street Elementary 11 18 15 29 73.3 33.1 Valerio Street Elem. 15 17 19 21 77.8 31.9 Valley Alternative 52 50 51 47 20.1 47.8 Valley View Elementary 47 19 50 20 60.5 36.4 Van Deene Avenue Elem. 33 39 41 60 43.7 43.8 Van Gogh Street Elem. 54 62 61 68 3.0 55.5 Van Ness Avenue Elem. 25 29 32 43 65.4 39.7 Van Nuys Elementary 18 15 21 15 80.2 30.8 Vanalden Avenue Elem. 32 45 42 57 31.7 47.0 Vaughn Street Elementary 21 22 28 33 79.1 34.8 Vena Avenue Elementary 36 43 47 54 29.7 46.3 Vermont Avenue Elem. 15 16 17 19 68.9 31.7 Vernon City Elementary 16 16 27 28 87.8 32.2 Victoria Avenue Elem. 17 19 25 29 74.0 34.6 Victory Boulevard Elem. 17 18 22 27 73.0 34.3 Vine Street Elementary 27 24 30 33 60.2 36.8 Vinedale Elementary 20 24 26 31 66.2 37.0 Vintage Street Math/Science Magnet 57 51 66 62 13.7 50.5 Virginia Road Elementary 22 24 18 24 28.8 37.1 Wadsworth Avenue Elem. 10 17 12 20 78.2 34.2 Walgrove Avenue Elem. 34 20 34 24 45.3 35.7 Walnut Park Elementary 21 16 18 20 71.0 32.2 Warner Avenue Elementary 88 89 82 88 8.1 70.1 Weemes Elementary 16 19 17 22 39.9 35.1 Weigand Avenue Elem. 12 13 20 19 56.4 29.6 Welby Way Elementary 78 79 78 76 4.4 63.9 West Athens Elementary 14 15 19 18 37.9 31.6 West Hollywood Elem. 20 24 30 31 65.2 37.6 West Vernon Avenue Elem. 10 7 12 10 79.3 25.9 Western Avenue Elem. 16 16 14 22 46.3 32.1 Westminster Avenue Elem. 29 31 29 39 37.8 40.7 Westport Heights Elem. 54 48 55 36 8.1 47.8 Westside Alternative 30 47 26 44 15.4 44.1 Westwood Elementary 79 81 78 76 5.3 62.5 White Point Elementary 58 60 54 54 1.6 52.1 Wilbur Avenue Elementary 58 53 63 56 15.7 51.8 Wilmington Park Elem. 13 21 20 27 55.8 35.4 Wilshire Crest Elem 28 25 26 30 34.1 35.6 Wilton Place Elementary 25 33 35 51 69.4 42.1 Windsor Hills Math Science Elementary 44 46 42 37 0.9 47.7 Winnetka Avenue Elem. 23 30 33 35 54.0 38.3 Wonderland Avenue Elem. 83 85 77 89 9.1 66.1 Woodcrest Elementary 16 14 15 14 36.7 31.6 Woodlake Avenue Elem. 65 57 59 51 5.1 52.4 Woodland Hills Elem. 75 76 80 79 1.9 61.5 Woodlawn Avenue Elem. 15 16 19 25 63.3 33.1 Yorkdale Elementary 23 21 36 30 54.0 33.8 First Street Elementary 17 16 21 22 80.2 33.1 Second Street Elementary 12 15 24 24 76.2 31.0 Third Street Elementary 67 73 70 80 49.7 61.3 Fourth Street Elementary 23 22 23 27 68.8 35.6 Sixth Avenue Elementary 11 12 11 14 54.4 29.2 Seventh Street Elem. 35 48 30 44 7.4 48.1 Ninth Street Elementary 20 17 30 30 78.0 32.6 Tenth Street Elementary 19 12 27 22 90.2 30.7 Fifteenth Street Elem. 12 16 16 21 51.0 30.4 Twentieth Street Elem. 12 9 18 17 92.7 26.8 Twenty-Fourth Street Elementary 12 15 15 17 56.4 31.1 Twenty-Eighth Street Elementary 10 9 13 13 90.8 28.5 Thirty-Second St. USC Performing Arts 39 50 33 44 19.7 49.7 Forty-Second Street Elem. 13 21 12 27 10.9 36.3 Forty-Ninth Street Elem. 10 10 13 16 86.9 27.6 Fifty-Second Street Elem. 12 12 13 15 57.6 30.6 Fifty-Fourth Street Elem. 33 24 31 23 -- 36.1 Fifty-Ninth Street Elem. 25 26 24 30 22.1 37.7 Sixty-First Street Elem. 15 15 26 19 67.0 31.3 Sixty-Sixth Street Elem. 18 16 29 24 72.1 32.1 Sixty-Eighth Street Elem. 11 16 11 23 66.3 32.6 Seventy-Fourth St. Elem. 28 27 24 24 11.7 39.1 Seventy-Fifth St. Elem. 13 15 13 14 61.1 31.1 Ninety-Second St. Elem. 10 14 18 19 68.8 30.4 Ninety-Third St. Elem. 22 26 29 36 65.7 36.6 Ninety-Fifth St. Elem. 13 13 16 19 36.6 30.6 Ninety-Sixth St. Elem. 17 15 22 20 55.1 33.0 Ninety-Eighth St. Elem. 16 23 17 24 22.5 34.1 Ninety-Ninth St. Elem. 14 16 20 18 21.2 33.6 One Hundred Second St. Elementary 13 17 16 26 38.5 33.7 One Hundred Seventh St. Elem. 16 15 14 15 44.6 31.8 One Hundred Ninth St. Elem. 20 13 19 22 47.4 29.7 One Hundred Twelfth St. Elem. 89 11 85 19 57.2 31.2 One Hundred Sixteenth St. Elem. 13 18 15 30 31.3 33.7 One Hundred Eighteenth St. 13 11 16 16 54.5 29.3 One Hundred Twenty-Second St. Elem. 10 14 16 26 56.1 31.6 One Hundred Thirty-Fifth St. Elem. 14 20 23 29 53.8 33.7 One Hundred Fifty-Third St. 26 16 29 21 26.1 33.9 One Hundred Fifty-Sixth St. Elem. 46 41 49 46 10.6 41.4 One Hundred Eighty-Sixth St. Elem. 19 22 21 26 49.6 36.3 Two Hundred Thirty-Second Place Elem. 28 40 36 50 9.7 45.8


Los Nietos Elementary


Red Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Los Nietos Elementary 27 21 27 27 42.5 36.2 Aeolian Elementary 26 22 26 28 51.2 35.6 Nelson Elementary 22 22 26 30 44.2 37.2 Rancho Santa Gertrudes Elementary 33 20 30 22 29.6 35.7


Lowell Joint Elementary


Red Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Lowell Joint Elementary 64 63 61 65 2.6 56.2 El Portal Elementary 56 55 55 57 4.9 51.6 Jordan Elementary 59 65 55 57 5.4 56.8 Macy Elementary 75 71 65 76 -- 61.2 Meadow Green Elementary 63 60 60 60 -- 54.5 Olita Elementary 62 62 67 69 2.7 56.0


Lynwood Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Lynwood Unified 15 22 24 31 70.0 36.4 Abbott Elementary 18 21 33 27 67.5 36.7 Hosler Elementary -- 15 -- 26 60.0 30.8 Lincoln Elementary 15 27 24 46 82.9 39.7 Lindbergh Elementary 9 18 16 31 77.5 33.6 Lugo Elementary 26 27 22 35 77.5 40.6 Rogers Elementary 16 26 20 35 70.9 40.2 Roosevelt Elementary 13 18 27 23 71.8 33.9 Twain Elementary 12 17 21 22 58.8 32.7 Washington Elementary 24 43 32 43 68.4 44.0 Wilson Elementary 15 16 25 27 68.0 32.6



Manhattan Beach Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Manhattan Beach Unified 82 83 81 82 0.3 65.0 Grand View Elementary 86 86 84 84 -- 66.0 Meadows Avenue Elem. 73 78 72 81 1.3 63.7 Pacific Elementary 79 84 78 79 -- 63.9 Pennekamp Elementary 87 84 84 83 -- 66.3 Robinson Elementary 79 81 82 84 -- 64.9


Monrovia Unified


Rad Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Monrovia Unified 35 34 36 33 22.8 42.4 Bradoaks Elementary 34 24 38 24 17.5 37.6 Mayflower Elementary 48 58 46 63 16.7 53.9 Monroe Elementary 38 36 36 26 27.6 41.7 Plymouth Elementary 28 24 35 26 13.1 36.1 Wild Rose Elementary 28 35 27 34 35.2 44.1


Montebello Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Montebello Unified 23 28 20 30 35.3 37.7 Bandini Elementary 20 23 20 25 61.8 35.7 Bell Gardens Elementary 10 16 12 27 75.2 32.0 Bella Vista Elementary 40 34 29 39 -- 40.5 Chavez Elementary 32 25 24 23 28.4 36.7 Eastmont Elementary 16 18 14 20 62.1 32.8 Fremont Elementary 29 35 18 29 33.0 39.5 Garfield Elementary 20 24 18 29 62.7 34.0 Greenwood Elementary 22 34 17 29 10.9 40.3 La Merced Elementary 36 31 31 30 32.7 39.9 Laguna Nueva Elementary (formerly Gage Elem.) 16 21 18 22 70.4 35.1 Montebello Gardens Elem. 24 21 26 31 8.1 34.5 Montebello Park Elem. 19 20 15 24 -- 32.2 Potrero Heights Elem. 44 50 34 46 22.6 47.7 Rosewood Park Elementary 18 27 17 22 8.4 35.3 Suva Elementary 16 22 12 22 50.7 34.3 Washington Elementary 28 39 30 38 42.0 42.6 Wilcox Elementary 29 41 27 39 1.1 40.8 Winter Gardens Elem. 27 27 23 25 60.0 36.8


Mountain View Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Mountain View Elementary 17 20 22 25 54.8 34.5 Baker Elementary 15 20 19 22 33.2 36.4 Cogswell Elementary 10 20 14 23 81.4 35.0 Maxson Elementary 18 21 26 41 64.3 34.5 Miramonte Elementary 16 19 23 24 72.4 32.9 Monte Vista Elementary 22 19 22 20 32.6 32.1 Parkview Elementary 18 18 21 21 62.2 33.0 Payne Elementary 12 16 16 24 40.7 33.1 Twin Lakes Elementary 23 25 28 29 51.0 38.6 Voorhis Elementary 20 18 26 26 65.5 33.7


Newhall Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Newhall Elementary 65 67 64 68 11.2 56.7 Meadows Elementary 82 78 83 82 -- 63.4 Newhall Elementary 43 43 45 48 28.6 45.6 Old Orchard Elementary 59 66 59 67 10.5 55.0 Peachland Avenue Elem. 59 67 60 66 19.1 55.9 Stevenson Ranch Elem. 69 74 66 69 2.6 62.2 Valencia Valley Elem. 72 77 65 78 1.6 60.5 Wiley Canyon Elementary 63 64 66 70 13.3 55.1


Norwalk-La Mirada Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Norwalk-La Mirada Unifd 30 34 29 36 24.5 42.4 Chavez Elementary 26 26 29 32 15.5 36.8 Dolland Elementary 21 25 22 30 29.9 38.7 Dulles Elementary 38 47 30 50 2.5 46.3 Eastwood Elementary 48 53 48 62 10.2 53.5 Edmondson Elementary 19 22 27 30 48.0 36.2 Escalona Elementary 59 54 51 54 4.1 52.1 Foster Road Elementary 26 26 19 26 25.3 36.9 Gardenhill Elementary 47 44 50 40 3.3 48.7 Glazier Elementary 35 34 26 30 19.3 41.6 Huerta Elementary -- 24 -- 25 53.3 37.0 Johnston Elementary 29 30 26 32 27.9 40.1 La Pluma Elementary 44 49 37 46 7.2 49.6 Lampton Middle 30 35 38 56 29.3 44.0 Moffitt Elementary 21 28 17 30 39.1 39.9 Morrison Elementary 26 24 33 28 33.9 38.4 New River Elementary 23 31 20 31 25.7 41.5 Nuffer Elementary 19 36 22 38 28.1 43.9 Sanchez Elementary 14 18 14 20 53.4 34.1



Palmdale Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Palmdale Elementary 36 37 33 37 16.4 43.5 Barrel Springs Elem. 44 45 36 37 5.6 45.5 Buena Vista Elementary 41 44 46 46 25.1 46.2 Cactus Elementary 37 34 33 32 8.8 42.5 Chaparral Elementary 38 36 35 34 26.0 42.9 Cimarron Elementary 33 46 22 41 19.2 47.6 Desert Rose Elementary 37 35 35 40 23.2 43.0 Joshua Hills Elementary 46 45 34 43 7.8 48.0 Juniper Intermediate -- -- -- Manzanita Elementary 29 25 23 33 33.1 38.0 Mesquite Elementary 35 38 35 39 13.9 44.4 Ocotillo Elementary 45 48 48 47 11.5 49.7 Palm Tree Elementary 34 32 41 38 11.2 40.8 Palmdale Learning Plaza 37 50 28 34 1.7 48.4 Quail Valley Elementary -- 41 -- 34 1.0 44.0 Summerwind Elementary 41 50 50 52 13.1 49.1 Tamarisk Elementary 17 21 18 20 36.5 35.7 Tumbleweed Elementary 31 29 24 24 25.4 38.2 Wildflower Elementary 34 45 26 40 6.4 43.9 Yucca Elementary 17 21 17 25 36.3 35.0


Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Cornerstone at Pedregal Elementary 87 88 87 91 1.7 70.6 Lunada Bay Elementary 77 80 78 84 6.1 63.2 Mira Catalina Elementary 68 73 75 72 1.0 60.5 Montemalaga Elementary 74 80 82 87 20.3 62.6 Point Vicente Elementary 72 76 78 83 14.7 63.0 Rancho Vista Elementary 81 82 87 85 3.4 65.4 Silver Spur Elementary 86 85 88 86 6.7 66.1 Soleado Elementary 77 80 83 84 10.2 63.1 Vista Grande Elementary 79 71 90 87 17.9 59.6



Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Paramount Unified 16 18 19 20 48.1 33.7 Alondra Elementary 18 27 20 28 51.4 37.9 Collins Elementary 26 26 21 22 24.8 38.1 Gaines Elementary 15 18 17 18 36.3 33.1 Hollydale Elementary 16 15 18 15 47.0 31.7 Keppel Elementary 12 14 19 24 66.0 32.4 Lakewood Elementary 21 25 23 22 2.8 37.3 Lincoln Elementary 20 19 22 20 57.7 32.2 Los Cerritos Elementary 9 13 14 14 77.7 30.8 Mokler Elementary 20 18 21 20 53.8 35.7 Orange Avenue Elementary 11 12 14 19 48.0 30.8 Paramount Park -- 13 -- 12 50.6 29.7 Roosevelt Elementary 18 18 20 19 43.0 34.2 Wirtz Elementary 14 19 19 25 57.3 33.9


Pasadena Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Pasadena Unified 30 34 34 40 33.0 42.0 Allendale Elementary 47 37 47 45 25.1 46.6 Altadena Elementary 36 24 44 33 29.8 37.8 Burbank Elementary 24 33 34 33 37.7 42.2 Cleveland Elementary 17 21 25 33 22.3 33.4 Coombs Alternative 70 48 54 34 15.9 47.7 Don Benito Fundamental 74 77 84 86 6.5 63.0 Edison Elementary 23 21 20 23 10.6 35.2 Field Elementary 21 28 27 37 44.4 39.9 Franklin Elementary 15 30 21 41 29.8 39.6 Hamilton Elementary 33 35 41 54 28.1 42.5 Jackson Elementary 20 30 30 46 39.1 37.9 Jefferson Elementary 24 31 27 28 40.2 39.1 Linda Vista Elementary 27 45 22 46 10.3 46.6 Loma Alta Elementary 25 26 20 19 52.6 38.8 Longfellow Elementary 19 27 24 28 31.5 37.6 Madison Elementary 31 24 41 35 62.1 38.5 Noyes Elementary 57 48 62 39 9.9 46.1 Roosevelt Elementary 23 31 23 40 40.7 38.9 San Rafael Elementary 22 27 23 33 48.2 39.3 Sierra Madre Elementary 44 44 34 45 22.5 46.2 Washington Middle 16 20 18 34 45.5 36.3 Webster Elementary 26 26 29 34 38.9 38.2 Willard Elementary 32 43 35 47 37.9 44.4


Pomona Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Pomona Unified 27 30 30 34 48.3 39.5 Alcott Elementary 12 20 18 27 61.4 34.3 Allison Elementary 33 29 35 33 32.2 38.4 Armstrong Elementary 61 65 60 68 3.0 53.8 Arroyo Elementary 21 20 29 28 64.7 33.2 Barfield Elementary 20 22 27 28 50.0 36.5 Decker Elementary 61 72 66 80 5.0 57.4 Diamond Point Elementary 71 51 75 65 5.1 51.5 Golden Springs Elem. 78 83 83 86 1.0 64.0 Harrison Elementary 27 28 32 33 43.9 38.1 Kellogg Polytechnic Elem 18 27 15 22 59.1 38.3 Kingsley Elementary 25 23 24 30 54.7 36.6 Lexington Elementary 15 21 18 31 65.5 38.8 Lincoln Elementary 18 21 18 16 43.4 33.1 Madison Elementary 26 26 33 33 59.9 37.0 Mendoza Elementary 17 15 16 15 76.0 29.0 Montvue Elementary 27 28 30 32 55.0 37.3 Philadelphia Elementary 23 29 22 31 55.7 38.9 Pomona Alternative Sec. * * -- Pueblo Elementary 19 19 15 21 60.8 34.3 Ranch Hills Elementary 61 74 66 74 6.7 57.9 Roosevelt Elementary 13 16 18 21 69.4 32.4 San Antonio Elementary 15 26 25 28 50.8 36.1 San Jose Elementary 45 44 45 48 19.3 41.4 Vejar Elementary 14 15 17 19 76.6 32.6 Washington Elementary 11 12 16 15 81.2 28.7 Westmont Elementary 18 30 24 37 35.5 38.7 Yorba Elementary 28 37 31 39 30.2 42.7


Redondo Beach Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Redondo Beach Unified 58 59 54 57 5.4 52.4 Alta Vista Elementary 66 69 59 64 -- 56.8 Beryl Heights Elementary 58 61 57 52 -- 51.9 Birney Elementary 41 47 39 40 11.5 46.2 Jefferson Elementary 74 73 75 70 5.1 59.4 Lincoln Elementary 63 51 59 48 10.8 49.3 Madison Elementary 48 57 50 63 1.4 50.8 Tulita Elementary 62 63 47 61 -- 54.7 Washington Elementary 42 45 41 51 14.8 47.0



Rosemead Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Rosemead Elementary 41 48 48 50 24.6 48.4 Encinita Elementary 34 42 41 45 32.8 45.4 Janson Elementary 35 42 36 44 22.4 47.0 Savannah Elementary 38 47 52 48 21.3 48.8 Shuey Elementary 58 60 63 62 25.6 51.4


Rowland Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Rowland Unified 35 42 45 54 30.3 46.2 Blandford Elementary 45 61 54 72 17.3 55.7 Farjardo Elementary 32 39 37 54 36.0 45.2 Hollingworth Elementary 37 45 48 56 13.4 48.4 Hurley Elementary 17 26 23 38 50.5 37.6 Jellick Elementary 35 40 41 50 35.4 44.4 Killian Elementary 47 57 54 71 18.7 54.5 La Seda Elementary 22 24 30 33 49.0 35.5 Northam Elementary 24 17 33 27 51.6 32.3 Oswalt Elementary 68 70 80 79 11.9 59.6 Rorimer Elementary 26 30 42 49 45.0 38.9 Rowland Elementary 43 48 51 58 31.5 49.8 Shelyn Elementary 57 66 71 72 14.3 55.4 Villacorta Elementary 19 25 30 33 47.9 37.4 Ybarra Elementary 50 57 62 65 7.6 53.3 Yorbita Elementary 21 26 26 33 38.4 38.1


San Gabriel Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 San Gabriel Unified 45 45 53 55 41.2 46.5 Coolidge Elementary 59 58 64 67 28.6 52.5 McKinley Elementary 38 44 50 58 52.6 46.4 Roosevelt Elementary 31 30 41 37 56.9 38.7 Washington Elementary 54 44 50 51 26.6 46.9 Wilson Elementary 60 58 71 71 20.1 53.1


San Marino Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 San Marino Unified 79 81 78 84 4.7 65.2 Carver Elementary 80 81 79 84 4.3 64.9 Valentine Elementary 79 82 77 85 5.0 65.6


Santa Monica-Malibu Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Santa Monica-Malibu Unfd 64 67 62 69 17.6 55.8 Cabrillo Elementary 50 75 40 77 3.1 58.2 Edison Elementary 36 40 40 52 60.3 48.1 Franklin Elementary 82 82 82 80 2.2 62.3 Grant Elementary 56 63 52 71 19.2 54.4 McKinley Elementary 54 57 68 62 29.6 50.1 Muir Elementary 45 49 40 40 37.8 47.8 Point Dume Elementary 83 83 79 83 -- 63.4 Rogers Elementary 49 56 36 56 24.8 49.5 Roosevelt Elementary 71 71 67 75 9.1 58.6 Santa Monica Alternative 80 77 65 49 -- 58.7 Webster Elementary 76 78 79 76 4.4 59.9


Saugus Union Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Saugus Union Elementary 67 67 70 71 4.7 58.0 Bouquet Canyon Elem. 77 75 75 75 -- 60.7 Cedarcreek Elementary 49 51 45 64 12.8 50.0 Emblem Elementary 64 59 62 68 7.4 57.1 Foster Elementary 64 72 72 80 1.0 60.0 Helmers Elementary 76 76 80 77 2.2 62.7 Highlands Elementary 71 73 71 80 2.1 60.4 Mountainview Elementary 70 71 70 71 2.8 59.8 Plum Canyon Elementary -- 64 -- 68 2.7 56.4 Rio Vista Elementary 59 62 72 58 11.3 54.6 Rosedell Elementary 65 73 74 77 1.1 60.1 Santa Clarita Elementary 69 63 73 63 2.4 54.6 Skyblue Mesa Elementary 64 65 62 69 7.7 56.7



South Pasadena Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 South Pasadena Unified 71 76 68 79 4.5 61.5 Arroyo Vista Elementary 73 74 71 74 2.0 61.1 Marengo Elementary 70 78 67 81 5.6 62.3 Monterey Hills Elem. 68 78 64 82 6.5 59.9


South Whittier Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 South Whittier Elem. 21 25 27 32 39.3 36.8 Carmela Elementary 13 13 15 19 55.8 30.5 Lake Marie Elementary 31 22 43 36 32.0 36.1 Loma Vista Elementary 34 36 37 35 35.3 41.6 McKibben Elementary 25 29 21 29 31.2 36.7 Monte Vista Middle 18 33 30 40 37.3 39.8 Telechron Elementary 31 39 37 54 16.3 42.7


Sulphur Springs Union Elementary


Rad Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Sulphur Springs Union Elementary 55 59 52 60 8.2 53.9 Canyon Springs Community Elementary 42 49 38 51 20.1 50.9 Cox Community Elementary 62 60 61 66 15.4 53.7 Mint Canyon Community Elem. 34 47 35 54 14.6 49.2 Mitchell Community Elem. 64 65 62 64 5.3 56.2 Pinetree Community Elem. 60 65 55 64 0.9 55.4 Sulphur Springs Community Elementary 67 62 60 61 3.5 54.7 Valley View Elementary 41 58 47 60 6.5 54.2


Temple City Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Temple City Unified 55 57 60 68 7.2 53.4 Cloverly Elementary 56 57 53 61 9.0 52.4 Emperor Elementary 56 58 77 77 10.2 54.5 Longden Elementary 54 58 59 70 3.0 53.8


Torrance Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Torrance Unified 59 60 64 67 15.8 53.7 Adams Elementary 59 64 65 72 8.8 55.0 Anza Elementary 71 64 74 70 14.3 57.7 Arlington Elementary 59 70 63 75 10.1 56.5 Arnold Elementary 67 69 69 73 20.3 59.3 Carr Elementary 46 42 50 56 23.8 47.4 Edison Elementary 58 59 64 74 17.8 55.5 Fern Elementary 43 49 45 51 14.7 49.3 Hickory Elementary 60 61 64 69 18.1 55.2 Lincoln Elementary 51 66 62 77 13.2 55.7 Riviera Elementary 74 71 72 74 5.6 57.3 Seaside Elementary 70 64 83 75 9.7 55.5 Torrance Elementary 37 42 42 55 33.4 47.1 Towers Elementary 63 67 71 72 4.0 54.2 Victor Elementary 57 54 66 63 27.4 50.8 Walteria Elementary 70 59 72 61 13.3 52.1 Wood Elementary 61 63 63 70 12.0 55.4 Yukon Elementary 49 47 43 51 11.0 49.0


Valle Lindo Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Valle Lindo Elementary 34 33 41 37 22.4 40.8 Shively Middle 34 33 41 37 22.4 40.8



Walnut Valley Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Walnut Valley Unified 57 60 58 64 6.6 54.9 Castle Rock Elementary 51 63 53 61 10.1 55.0 Collegewood Elementary 57 56 59 64 4.5 53.8 Cyrus J. Morris Elem. 46 48 42 49 3.3 48.1 Evergreen Elementary 64 70 65 75 1.9 59.6 Maple Hill Elementary 58 63 60 66 10.3 55.3 Quail Summit Elementary 61 62 64 71 7.3 56.8 Vejar Elementary 61 59 60 61 7.5 54.3 Walnut Elementary 47 50 51 49 8.6 47.9 Westhoff Elementary 65 65 69 70 7.7 59.1


West Covina Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 West Covina Unified 36 40 41 47 14.4 44.1 California Elementary 31 33 36 38 19.8 41.0 Cameron Elementary 39 39 44 50 10.9 44.7 Merced Elementary 42 45 54 55 20.6 47.1 Merlinda Elementary 24 27 23 30 20.1 38.1 Monte Vista Elementary 34 31 30 34 18.4 40.2 Orangewood Elementary 38 35 47 43 13.0 41.0 San Jose-Edison Charter -- 51 -- 51 7.8 48.1 Vine Elementary 42 55 56 69 6.4 51.5 Wescove Elementary 38 37 47 53 17.6 42.5


Westside Union Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Westside Union Elem. 50 59 40 50 1.1 52.1 Cottonwood Elementary 52 58 40 47 1.6 51.0 Del Sur Senior Elem. 47 53 38 47 3.2 49.0 Leona Valley Elementary 58 63 34 55 -- 56.9 Neenach Elementary 38 32 -- Quartz Hill Elementary 47 54 31 47 2.3 49.7 Rancho Vista Elementary 58 65 55 55 -- 54.3 Sundown Elementary 44 65 43 56 -- 55.2 Valley View Elementary 47 55 34 46 -- 50.6


Whittier City Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Whittier City Elementary 26 28 26 29 31.6 38.0 Andrews N.W. Elementary 41 33 44 32 16.5 41.2 Hoover Elementary -- 44 -- 39 15.1 44.7 Jackson Elementary 17 24 15 21 56.4 34.9 Lincoln Elementary 24 22 34 20 12.8 34.6 Longfellow Elementary 24 35 20 26 30.7 39.2 Mill Elementary 28 28 21 39 32.8 37.6 Orange Grove Elementary 30 25 20 21 23.8 36.7 Sorensen Elementary 26 30 26 45 37.5 39.4 Washington Elementary 24 27 24 31 34.5 37.8 West Whittier Elementary 23 18 28 22 42.1 33.9


Wilsona Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Wilsona Elementary 38 40 35 41 15.9 44.8 Vista San Gabriel Elem. 29 35 34 41 11.8 42.6 Wilsona Elementary 45 44 37 41 19.7 46.7


Wiseburn Elementary


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Wiseburn Elementary 52 50 50 49 7.4 49.0 Anza Elementary 61 55 59 60 6.4 52.4 Burnett Elementary 46 46 43 41 8.1 45.7


