
Programs for Needy


Your May 29 editorial, “Civic Life, With Spirit,” seems to endorse Vice President Al Gore’s plan for government officials to work with religious leaders to provide social services to the needy. Does anyone really believe that poverty in this country is going to be relieved by private charity? When the U.S. government wants something done it uses the tools of subsidy and tax benefit. To build up a steel industry and railroads for western expansion, these industries were heavily subsidized. Space technology and the Internet would have been impossible without government subsidy. The entrepreneur is rewarded by favorable tax rates.

Poverty in this nation can only be cured by properly applied government subsidies and tax benefits. Industry should be subsidized to provide training and jobs and/or a negative income tax should be instituted so that each citizen is assured an adequate lifetime income. Economists don’t like proposals like these because of the danger of inflation. To be worthy of their calling they must design proper safeguards.

There will be also be understandable opposition from the wealthy. But they must ask themselves what kind of country they want for themselves and for their children: one where everyone can lead a decent life in humanity and dignity? Or one of a growing underclass, unsafe neighborhoods, increasing crime and violence, homelessness and hopelessness?


One final point: I believe the vice president’s proposal for religion-government cooperation to resolve social issues to be unconstitutional.


Santa Monica


So Gore wants to start giving money to churches if only we’ll vote for him come the next presidential election, eh? If anyone out there thinks that government control doesn’t come with government money, they’re bigger fools than I can imagine.


La Habra
