
Criteria Lacking for Competent Inspectors


For some time I have noted the articles in The Times on home inspections and inspectors. The June 6 Lew Sichelman column “How to Find a Good Home Inspector” triggered the following comments.

There being no regulatory control leaves this fairly new industry with no criteria for qualifying competence in home inspectors.

The associations you mentioned in your article can develop a system to inspect, using their own criteria which in itself is apparently inefficient. When the president of an inspection association makes the comment that no inspector can find everything, that is admitting incompetence.


I remember a short time ago when these associations were soliciting members, touting that retired airline pilots, grocery store clerks and school teachers on vacation break were making a good income conducting home inspections.

It is obvious that these associations were more interested in dues and fees than in trained inspectors.


Via e-mail
