
A Patient Prescribes His Cure


In 1990, Larry Clapp, chairman of the Public Transit Authority in Hawaii, was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Unhappy with the limited options available, Clapp sought a cure of his own. Though the disease returned once, he claims to be cancer-free today thanks to the alternative therapies outlined in this audio book.

Clapp provides much useful information for men suffering from various forms of prostate maladies, from cancer to enlargement. He outlines the various traditional treatments and then offers his own methods, which include fasting, homeopathy and exercise.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. June 28, 1999 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Monday June 28, 1999 Home Edition Health Part S Page 3 View Desk 1 inches; 28 words Type of Material: Correction
Wrong number--In the June 21 edition of Health, the incorrect 800 number for obtaining the audio book “Prostate Health in 90 Days,” by Larry Clapp, was published. The correct number is (800) 654-5126.

As a narrator, Clapp is easy to hear. He speaks well and presents his theories clearly. However, sometimes the information he provides would be better read, such as the list of ingredients needed for his eight-day cleansing fast.


Listeners should always remember that while this regime worked for Clapp, he is a lawyer, not a doctor. These are simply the results of his personal experiences. And a bit of it is quite radical. Not all of his information is well-documented, although most of it seems harmless as long as the patient stays under a doctor’s care.
