
A Subdued Akiyoshi-Tabackin Opener


This week’s featured act at Catalina Bar & Grill is billed as the Toshiko Akiyoshi & Lew Tabackin Quartet. In Tuesday night’s opening set, however, a more apt title might simply have been the Lew Tabackin Quartet.

In a program with an energy level that appeared to have been diminished by the group’s rigorous travel schedule, tenor saxophonist/flutist Tabackin was generally the center of attention, with the spotlight shifting to Akiyoshi only during her featured romp through Bud Powell’s classic “Un Poco Loco.”

Tabackin is a talented enough soloist on both instruments to effectively carry a set on his own. And, in numbers such as the “Me and My Shadow,” his own “Desert Lady” and a group of Akiyoshi’s originals, Tabackin played with a rigorous, authoritative quality. His tenor saxophone work clearly owes a debt to Sonny Rollins in its rich timbre and assertive rhythms. But Tabackin also revealed his own unique gift for melody, turning out solo after solo filled with thematic, connected ideas.


Akiyoshi’s piano playing, usually articulate and thoughtful, seemed far more subdued, even a bit off the mark in some of her soloing, especially in the more up-tempo numbers. When her improvising remained in the area of spare, riff-oriented lines, she produced some effective, swinging results. But the rapid, up-tempo numbers were more of a problem, with her accenting occasionally falling out of sync with the rhythm section work of bassist Philippe Aerts and drummer Mark Taylor.

Equally problematic, the interaction between the group members was surprisingly minimal, given the long relationship between Akiyoshi and Tabackin.

* The Toshiko Akiyoshi & Lew Tabackin Quartet at Catalina Bar & Grill through Sunday. 1640 N. Cahuenga Blvd., (213) 466-2210. $14 cover tonight at 8:30 and 10:30 p.m.; $16 cover Friday, Saturday at 8:30 p.m. and Sunday at 7 p.m.; $14 cover Friday, Saturday at 10:30 p.m. and Sunday at 9 p.m. Two drink minimum.
