


The City Council will vote tonight on whether to add $110,000 to its depleted budget for attorney services. The fund, which started at $100,000 in July, has run out because of unanticipated legal activity, such as the lawsuits brought by and against former City Manager Arthur Simonian, Finance Director Susan Hartman said.

Four months into the budget year, the city has spent $104,095 on attorney services that go beyond the duties of the regular city attorney. Costs included $74,000 to Parker, Covert & Chidester, the law firm handling the Simonian cases.

The Finance Department has also proposed adding $300,000 to three of the city’s other legal services budget items. Of that amount, $140,000 would be earmarked for Parker, Covert & Chidester. The council will meet at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall, 4845 Casa Loma Ave.
