
Summer Institute Wins State Honor


The Summer School Institute, an educational and leadership program for seventh- and eighth-graders before they enter Santa Paula High School, will receive the Golden Bell Award during the California School Boards Assn.’s 20th annual awards ceremony.

The high school was selected for the statewide award from among more than 260 applicants in the high school category for its four-week Summer School Institute. Founded in 1994, the institute provides two four-week summer sessions for incoming freshmen, offering an intensive reading, writing and mathematics curriculum. This year, a leadership component was added to the summer program. The program also provides information about colleges, field trips and guest speakers.

Lisa Salas-Schmidt, a teacher and Associated Student Body advisor, serves as coordinator for the institute, along with staff members Joey Ramirez, a mathematics teacher, and Justin Schmidt, a leadership teacher.


“We are excited to be recognized for achievement at the institute and proud to represent Santa Paula High School,” said Salas-Schmidt, a Santa Paula High alumnus.

Ramirez, also a Santa Paula High alumnus, said he is excited about the honor because he sees the tangible effect the program is having on the lives of students.

At the end of the program, 74% of the students scored above a ninth-grade reading level and 63% scored above a ninth-grade level in mathematics.

The Golden Bell Awards program promotes excellence in education by recognizing outstanding programs in school districts and county offices of education statewide.

Santa Paula High will receive its award during the annual conference in San Francisco on Dec. 11.
