


In his interesting article “TV Revives the Darndest Things” (Oct. 17), Brian Lowry omitted one name in his discussion of game shows of the ‘50s. Ralph Edwards really started the whole thing. His “Truth or Consequences” started in 1940 and ran on radio and TV for almost four decades.

“Truth or Consequences” inspired other Edwards hits: “It Could Be You,” “Name That Tune” and, of course, the greatest spinoff of them all, “This Is Your Life.”

I started working for Edwards in 1956 when “T or C” started on daytime. There was absolutely no limit to the wild things we writers were allowed to think up. There was, however, one cardinal rule passed down by Edwards. We would never embarrass anyone. Even though we might hit someone in the face with a pie or drop a husband in a tank of water, it was always done in the spirit of good taste and good fun.


Edwards is still active with hits like “People’s Court,” but I still think of him as the creator and the “Aren’t We Devils” host of “Truth or Consequences.”


