
Fox Opens Movie Theme Park in Sydney


Move over, Universal Studios. Media mogul Rupert Murdoch last week debuted a $317-million studio complex and movie theme park in Sydney, Australia, hoping to draw 2.7 million visitors a year.

Tom Cruise, Charlie Sheen and Nicole Kidman were among the stars at opening ceremonies for Fox Studios Australia, said to be the largest movie-TV production complex outside Hollywood. Besides production facilities, it offers the Fox Studios Backlot, where visitors can tour sets, see shows being filmed, take a simulated ride on the Titanic, “visit” with Simpson cartoon characters and learn about special effects in films.

There’s also the free Bent Street promenade, with shops, movie theaters, performers and restaurants (shades of Universal CityWalk?). Backlot tours, which last several hours, are about $27 for adults, $16 ages 6-12, free under age 6. The site is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, except Christmas. Call 011-61-1-300-369-849 or visit
