
‘Son of 187’ Initiative


Re “There Republicans Go Again: Son of Prop. 187 a Possibility,” Opinion, Nov. 14: What Tony Quinn calls “Son of Prop. 187” is not just a possibility, it’s almost a certainty--but he can’t blame the gutless Republicans for it. People know that illegal immigration is more out of control than ever and that illegal aliens continue to receive taxpayer-funded benefits. A June poll by The Times showed that support for Prop. 187 is just as strong as it was in 1994. In the last election, every candidate who had the guts to speak out on this issue was elected, but Republicans, now afraid of “offending” Latino voters, have backed so far away from it that they’ve become indistinguishable from the Democrats.

I’ll vote for “Son of Prop. 187.” This isn’t a racial or “anti-immigrant” issue--both lies created by illegal alien advocates and perpetrated by the liberal media. Illegal immigration isn’t a race--it’s a crime. I’m fed up with both parties. I’m voting for Pat Buchanan. At least he’s not afraid to speak out on important issues.




I am sure that the Republicans who voted for Prop. 187 in 1994 have digested fully Quinn’s words and do understand that the young Latino and Asian populations in California will continue to educate themselves, to wield their purchasing and economic power and to vote in larger numbers in the elections of the new millennium. The Latino and Asian populations in California will no longer be treated as second-class citizens in their own state. Bring on the “Son of Prop. 187”--the Latino and Asian voters will crush the proposition and the Republicans alike.


Republicans, learn from your past mistakes; it is not too late.


La Habra
