
Toying With Your Future


Heather Ramsey, commercial artist and armchair occultist, was paging through a book of vintage games and puzzles when a picture of a child’s toy changed her future.

What she saw was a “guessing box,” a turn-of-the-century gizmo that purports to tell the future. The premise is simple: Ask the box a question, then tilt it as a tiny silver ball rolls across the surface, coming to rest at the answer.

“I got the idea to do a ‘90s version,” says Ramsey, who would rather we guess her age but admits that she was born in the ‘50s.


Her guessing boxes are called Mystic Fan and Who Will My Lover Be?

The Mystic Fan has your answer, for better or worse. Will I ever have my own series? Does Matt Drudge look good without his hat? Could be “yes,” could be “now,” could be “never.”

As for future lovers, the silver ball might predict “world traveler,” “good looking” or “poet.” That’s the good news.

But the ball could also settle on “politically correct,” and you might end up with a career politician.

So be careful what you ask for, and be prepared to wait. Book Soup in West Hollywood is sold out of the Lover game and is ordering a fresh supply. Independent bookstores, museum shops and university bookstores carry the games for about $10 each.

Next up for Ramsey is a question box for brokers. Market Analyst shows a businessman holding a crystal ball. Advice runs from “buy” to “sell,” “hold’ or “trade.”

No word yet on whether the box will advise on taking your company public.
