
Taking Critics to Task: What Were They Thinking?


As usual, another review of this summer’s rock festival is in the can, but this time the reviewers are cautious to remind us that it could have turned out a rape fest--an orgy of riots, looting and worse (“Triumph of the Anti-Woodstock,” Oct. 12). Man, I guess we were lucky it was so hot out in the Indio desert at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival that we didn’t have the energy to rape or riot. Did you really think those things would happen?

We as youth know what really happened at Woodstock 99: There were no riots, but you old fools in the media like to make a big stink: See, I told you so . . . the younger generation is selfish and hellbent on destruction.

Robert Hilburn writes on in his review about how you could feel the tense moments during the Rage Against the Machine set, almost to riot status. Rage Against the Machine? Ooh, scary mosh pit. You must be kidding! Hey, Hilburn, why don’t you go see a Slayer or Pantera show, or are they not musically inclined like your beloved Rage Against the Machine?


For some reason, Hilburn mentions Tool all but twice; once, he actually labels them “mainstream pop-rock” in the same breath as Morrissey! Tool put on one of the best shows I have ever seen, and I have seen most of these bands well over 10 times each.


Los Angeles
