
Many Catching Surf Wear’s Wave

Leslie Earnest covers retail businesses for The Times. She can be reached at (714) 966-7832 and at

Surf wear’s “A-list” has gotten increasingly crowded over the last year with established companies hanging tough as new labels have also vaulted to the top, local surf shop owners say.

“There’s a cat fight at the top that’s absolutely unbelievable,” said Dave Hollander, co-owner of Becker Surf N’ Sport in Corona del Mar.

The best-known companies, Quiksilver Inc. in Huntington Beach and Billabong USA in Irvine, are still cranking out strong products, but top-tier surf shops say Volcom and Hurley are their hottest labels. Costa Mesa-based Hurley International was launched last year by Bob Hurley, formerly Billabong’s licensee. Volcom, low-profile but sizzling, is based in Newport Beach.


“Volcom, they’re the biggest vendor we have,” said Eric John, president of Laguna Surf and Sport Enterprises Ltd. in Laguna Beach, which has five South County surf shops. “And Hurley’s got a lot of mojo [translation: momentum]. Kids come in and just have to have it.”

So fierce is the competition that Hollander said he’s trimming his own Becker label by 40%. “I’m actually pulling back on that because I want to make room for the A-vendors,” he said. “The playing field’s gotten real packed, and there’s no room to elbow in.”

But new players keep trying. And surfers who shop these beach-side stores are always looking for something new, something edgier. One new brand they’ve begun clamoring for: the Realm, John said.

Greg Tomlinson, who handles “sales, marketing and janitorial” for the year-old San Clemente company, said the Realm will first try to hoist itself aboard the B-list by providing fresh options.

“We will attack where we feel our competition is weak,’ he said. “We’re hungry.”
