
Theater Notes


Michael Phillips was far too generous with his review of “The Affliction of Glory: A Comedy About Tragedy” (“A Passion for Tragedy,” Aug. 20). We were hoodwinked into the Sara Siddons trilogy.

The Huntington was a disappointment but there was the corpse plant and tea. The Getty exhibit was skimpy but there is so much more to make up for it, but the play was the final insult. This Siddons affair has left us thinking that the Getty and Huntington are closer to “Hollywood” than they appear.



Re Michael Phillips’ critical slap at Steven Berkoff’s brilliant tour-de-force one-man show “Shakespeare’s Villains” (“Living Large as He Pals With Bad Guys,” Aug. 11):


I urge anyone who loves live theater not to miss this brilliant man in action. Berkoff takes all of the accumulated politically correct mush and mangled theatrical orthodoxy that has infected the heart and soul of American theater over the past decade and demolishes it, transforming the whole boring mess back into a recognizable paradigm strictly his own, and he delivers all of it with style and panache.

Go see Berkoff!


Los Angeles
