
Prop. 187


The fundamental basis for not implementing Proposition 187 is democracy itself. Under our democratic process, a popularly accepted law can be stopped if found to be unconstitutional. Saying that 5 million voters were ignored is irrelevant. Blind force by the population must yield to blind reason from our judicial branch.

Yes, I am against undocumented persons entering our work force. Unfortunately the premise of Proposition 187 missed the mark. The person who comes to California by a dirt path or hidden in a van will not go to the government office and ask for welfare. This person is here to work.

The employers are often well-respected American business owners or corporations that enjoy the low overhead of the cheap, nonunion, uncomplaining work force. If taxes are not paid, it is not the worker who has control of the nonpayment but the employer.


Yes, this work force has overwhelmed our lifestyle in California and the United States. Food prices are artificially low and profits to agriculture investors are high. Restaurants, manufacturers and the construction and garment industries may also benefit from this work force. Nevertheless, picket lines are not outside businesses or fields demanding that the citizen protester take the job of the undocumented worker.

Part of this unconstitutional proposition would have banned the children of undocumented aliens from attending public schools. The cost of giving these children the key of education has exasperated many conservative citizens. Would this unknown cost be offset by the subsidy and stability in the low cost of food, construction and services? Ideally, the employer should use the process of supply and demand to attract citizens to take these undesired jobs. How much would the wages need to rise to attract the same supporters of Proposition 187 to take the place on the lines, sewing machines, family gardens or other targeted employments?

Conservative politicians are now calling for the revival of the bracero program. This would only legalize the exploitation of workers. Our economic system can simply take care of the problem of undocumented and unwanted workers by bringing up wages, benefits and working conditions to the point that they will attract American citizens. I don’t believe the supporters of Proposition 187 are ready to pay such a high price.


