
Heated Exchanges Over the Firing of City Manager


* Yorba Linda Mayor John Gullixson is an embarrassment to the city of Yorba Linda and doesn’t have a gracious bone in his body.

He and his cronies fired City Manager Art Simonian without giving the district attorney a chance to determine whether Simonian had violated any laws and without explaining Gullixson’s failure to understand Simonian’s contract and the city budget (Sept. 8).

He and his cronies hired a replacement interim city manager without considering more than one candidate and without allowing other City Council members to interview that candidate.


It was a rush to judgment before Gullixson lost his majority at the end of the Sept. 7 meeting.

John Gullixson is a classic playground bully who grew older but never grew up.


Yorba Linda

* Every elected council member from any city should know the salaries of the top 10 or 15 managers within its community government.

Yorba Linda Mayor John Gullixson has every right to ask probing questions without being made out as the bad guy (Aug. 27).

City Manager Art Simonian’s bonus for him and others is inappropriate for public employees. What were his benchmarks or goals for the city? Who evaluated them if not the City Council? Did he evaluate himself?

Pay the going rate for a city manager the size of Yorba Linda and keep bonuses in the private sector where they belong.

Some things never change. The fox can’t watch the henhouse.


Yorba Linda

* I am bemused by the current antics of Mayor John Gullixson and the city manager witch hunt.


Observing only five minutes of a City Council meeting reveals the mayor’s absolute intolerance of those who don’t agree with him or his plans to develop every square inch of our once “gracious” city.

Are we supposed to believe that this council, which reviews and reviews again seemingly every decision made by their subordinate commissions, were clueless as to employee salaries?


Yorba Linda
