
UCI Body Mix-Up Outrages Grad


* As a UC Irvine graduate and granddaughter of a woman who generously made the noble gift of donating her body to science, I was both saddened and outraged to learn of the possible misappropriation of bodies through the Willed Body Program at UCI.

On a personal level, I was horrified to learn the bodies of donors are treated with such indifference and lack of respect. It is simply inconceivable that a body could become lost in the system or the remains unreturned to grieving family members.

In donating her body “to science,” my grandmother acted contrary to the wishes of many family members. She chose this gift, however, because of her deep commitment to furthering medical knowledge in the only way she could--by making her body and organs available for research and education.


Sadly, she chose UCI because my sister and I graduated from the university and she felt a relation to the institution. When my grandmother chose to donate her body to science, it prevented us from having a funeral.

UCI’s shoddy record-keeping and careless performance in carrying out the donor’s last wishes have robbed her family of both the closure and peace of mind in knowing her body is finally at rest.

I am outraged by the seemingly reckless manner in which the medical and scientific departments of the university conduct their research and business.

An education at a higher university is selective and expensive. For the price, one is to receive not only an excellent education but also the distinction and recognition associated with a reputable college.

Unfortunately, it appears that many associated with the university are so enamored of their own egos or financial gain they have carelessly sullied the reputation of a school many others have worked hard to exalt.

My children are preschoolers, but I hope that by the time they reach college age I will be able to recommend, without reservation, an education at my alma mater. As for making a gift of my body to science, at this point I couldn’t imagine being so bold.



Huntington Beach
