
This Psychic Might See a Violation of Privacy in His Future . . .


In my second-favorite Southern California paper, the Los Alamitos News-Enterprise, the police log listed this bulletin out of La Palma:

“A man reported a psychic was hacking into his computer.”

Not to learn secrets, I presume.


LOVING LE BIG MAC: “Le Divorce,” an amusing novel by Diane Johnson, centers on two Americans in Paris: Isabel Walker, a USC film graduate, and her sister Roxanne, a poet who attended UC Irvine. Some observations about France by Isabel, the narrator:

* “In France, though they think of themselves as having Mexican restaurants, they don’t know what Mexican food should be, and they wouldn’t like the real thing. They hate spices.”


* “Santa Barbara is a city of mythological dimension in the minds of the French because of a soap opera called ‘Santa Barbara,’ which airs on French television, dubbed in French, involving the lurid social complications usual in soap operas, among uniformly blond, rich Californians. . . .”


WILSHIRE EAST? David Harwood of Pasadena came upon the Miracle Mile in Bullhead City, Ariz., no less (see photo). “This Miracle Mile,” he added, “has Wal-Mart, Kmart and JCPenney stores.”

THE NON-GLAMOROUS TRAVEL PITCH: A firm advertising flights to Mexico and Latin America displays four houseflies on its billboards, along with the claim: “Only the flies fly cheaper.” (See photo.) But do the flies fly coach?

Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LATIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, Times Mirror Square, L.A. 90053 and by e-mail at
