


City officials are hoping to meet a long-standing need for day care in the Irvine Spectrum by uniting businesses with child-care providers.

The city has contacted 400 Orange County child-care agencies, and close to 80 of the larger Spectrum businesses, to voice their support for bringing day-care services to the area.

Senior Planner Stephanie Keys said the city will use information gleaned from responses to its inquiries to compile a list of day-care providers that Spectrum businesses can use as a resource.


“Our intention is to let the business community know about the opportunity,” she said. “We just want to hook them up and let them choose what’s best for them.”

Because of the area’s proximity to the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, city zoning ordinances prevented child-care agencies from moving into the Spectrum, Irvine child-care coordinator Cathy Tucker said. With the air base now abandoned, the city rezoned the area in January to lift the restrictions.
