
Gang Sweep Like a Military Mission


Your March 16 article on the police sweep against gangs in Santa Ana read more like a military assault on a foreign enemy rather than a police action against residents of our own country.

An army of 400 officers from 21 law enforcement agencies invaded a working Latino neighborhood in Santa Ana. They smashed windows and doors to arrest individuals suspected of being drug or weapon dealers, petty criminals or gang members.

Police snipers from nine SWAT teams were perched on nearby roofs in support of the operation. A relatively small number of weapons were recovered, 19. There were no reports of any drugs being seized during the raid. This police operation, which has cost so far over $500,000, was launched despite the fact that crime in Santa Ana has dropped by 61%.


This war-like, excessive use of force by the police against so-called gang members defies common sense, especially in light of the Rampart police corruption scandal in Los Angeles.

This at-any-cost war on gangs, specially directed at minorities, breeds a culture of state-sanctioned violence and abuse that further alienates and embitters at-risk youths.

It was interesting to note that in the wake of the Santa Ana police assault, unnamed city officials indicated that this was not just a one-day operation; they “hoped” to launch city-funded programs to revitalize the area.

No specifics were offered as to what they intended to do to realize those “hoped for” programs.

We need to demand more.


San Clemente
