
Janet Reno


* It was so moving to see Elian Gonzalez finally reunited with his Cuban father. Atty. Gen. Janet Reno and President Clinton did the right thing. You do not go to the house of kidnappers without guns in your hand.

I am glad to see that the child is no longer being psychologically abused by crazy Marisleysis and money-hungry Lazaro Gonzalez. Are they coming to Hollywood to make money and cash on Elian?


Los Angeles


The good news. In a time of peace and prosperity, it is often difficult to judge the presidential timber of candidates to our highest office. The Gonzalez case has provided a simple test with relatively easy stakes. Do aspirants to the most powerful law enforcement position in the world have the character required to execute the laws of the land?


The bad news. Both candidates failed the test. Come November, I guess we should write in the name of Reno.




Shame on you, Republicans, for trying to make political hay on the back of a little boy. Shame on you, Democrats, for trying to make political hay on the back of a little boy. Shame on you, Al Gore, for hiding from this issue. Shame on you, television news media, for trying to make, rather than report, a news story.

Good job on the raid, Janet Reno. Shame on you for the delay. I hope someone will try to find out why it took so long for action.

Since I have not heard it said by anyone: Elian, we are sorry for treating you the way we have treated you.


Los Angeles


According to polls, about six out of 10 Americans are satisfied with the outcome of the Gonzalez affair, largely because they believe in the father’s rights. In a way, it is wonderful that Americans can be naive enough to believe that this has anything to do with fathers’ rights. They have never experienced life under a dictator and do not realize that there is no such thing as parents’ rights in Cuba.

Fidel Castro has already converted a building for the sole purpose of housing and indoctrinating the little victim. I hope Juan Miguel Gonzalez enjoys whatever time he has with Elian; it may very well be his last. Castro is taking advantage of U.S. laws and American gullibility and has emerged as the sole winner.





In any other country but the U.S, the Miami relatives would have been thrown into jail for defying the law. I must say, Reno showed extraordinary patience in waiting it out for five months. Just to see the smiles on the faces of father and son after being reunited was worth the measures taken. How would Sen. Bob Smith (R-N.H.) and all the other congressmen who support the relatives’ soap opera feel if their own kids were publicly paraded before cameras, brainwashed and turned against them?


Diamond Bar


Michael Ramirez’s April 25 cartoon is outrageous! Reno and the Justice Department have leaned over backward to give the Miami Mafia every opportunity to obey the law of the U.S. and of human decency. To compare her to Castro is not only stupid but offensive.


Los Angeles
