
Where Are They Now?


George W. Budh fended off 11 Republican challengers to become his party’s nominee. Elizabeth Hanford Dole and John MacCain had prime-time roles at thier party’s convention, but other also-rans are in Philadelphia too:


Gary Bauer

Bauer never rose above a few percentage points in the polls, and an embarrassing fall while flipping pancakes in New Hampshire didn’t help him. He is contributing to a religion Web site this week and appearing on Fox News.


Steve Forbes

The magazine publisher spent at least $76 million of his own money on two campaigns, but he won few votes. He is not a delegate but was seen posing for pictures on the floor.



Orrin G. Hatch

The Utah senator’s long-shot campaign didn’t accomplish much. He dropped out after the Iowa caucuses and backed Bush. Hatch has been on the floor with his state’s delegation.


John R. Kasich

The ambitious young congressman from Ohio never got to a primary and was passed over when Bush chose a running mate. Kasich is “doing as many interviews as I can” this week. “It’s part of a process of building a base.”


Alan Keyes

The former ambassador has yet to officially drop out of the race, but he acknowledges his second presidential campaign is over. Keyes turns 50 on Monday and thanked supporters Wednesday at a birthday party downtown.
