
Marching to the Beat of Singer-Songwriter Dave Alvin


For as much as I’d like to keep Dave Alvin to myself, I was happy to see the article on him (“The King of California,” by Sean Mitchell, July 9). Mitchell really captured Alvin’s heart and soul. As a native Californian, I am in awe of our state’s many treasures, and Alvin is at the top of my list.

Charlene Ahern

Santa Monica


Thank you for an enlightening and well-deserved article about Alvin. It wasn’t sugarcoated with softball questions; instead it delved into his personal and financial life. Alvin is a big stalwart for all of the unsung musicians of today and especially of yesteryear. It was a very nice tribute to one of L.A.’s own players.

Jon Handel

Los Angeles


I don’t believe I’ll ever see Alvin sporting Tommy Hilfiger jeans or modeling Calvin Klein underwear. And even if he did, I’d applaud the notion that perhaps someone was finally paying him what he’s worth. Alvin remains a soulful tunesmith, one of the last of the highwaymen who actively live the life they sing about. He’ll always be “Dave” to fans like me, who have been tracking his whereabouts and listening to his songs for the past 15 years.


Karen Kritzer



“Bruce Springsteen without a marketing campaign” was the way I first heard Alvin described, and it still rings true. Thanks to Mitchell for a fine profile of my musical hero and one of the best live performers in any musical genre. Anyone fortunate enough to see Alvin play can vouch for the raw emotion that is his trademark.

Eric Golberg

Los Angeles


I worked as a professional musician from 1965 to 1982, playing the lounges, the Holiday Inns, the roadhouses and the wedding receptions, tolerating temperamental divas and enduring loud, boozy late-night losers. After I quit all that I never looked back. In the 18 years since, the only time I have truly missed playing the piano onstage was when I heard Alvin entertain so joyously. For just one night, with tears in my eyes and goosebumps all over my body, I wanted to be up there with him, making real music again.

Randy Kemner

Signal Hill


There are hundreds of artists like Alvin who have more musical artistry and integrity than 99% of the plastic pop and rock stars who get the media’s full attention. Listen to the “Heartfelt Music” and “Folkscene” music shows on KPFK-FM (90.7) or the Carters’ “Wildwood Flower,” go to concerts and venues like Folk Music in Ojai, the Acoustic Music Series in Pasadena and McCabe’s. The music is there; all it needs is your ears and your heart.

Bill Yates

