
Report on Rogan Ad


* Since when is a political ad that is not under criticism for exceeding taste or viciousness standards “news” for the front page of the San Fernando Valley section of The Times? (“New Rogan Ad Portrays Him as a School Reformer,” Aug. 9). The answer is: when the blatantly biased Times wants to give free space to the [Adam] Schiff campaign to rebut the [James E.] Rogan ad.

The real story is: Rogan pays $80,000 to disseminate his message; Schiff pays nothing to rebut Rogan and disseminate his. In the interest of attempting to appear “unbiased,” are we ever going to see a front-page report in The Times of a Schiff ad in which he “portrays” himself as this and “means to capitalize” on that with printed rebuttal from the Rogan camp? If we did, it would be the first time in memory that The Times had given anything remotely resembling equal time to a Republican. Needless to say, I’m not betting the farm.

Unfortunately for The Times, the liberal stranglehold on education policy in this state for the last 30 years has left many potential voters without sufficient reading skills to digest its propaganda.



