
States’ Rights

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Re “Arguing the Primacy of States’ Rights--Sometimes,” Opinion, Aug. 27: I agree with Edward P. Lazarus that states’ rights led to a shameful history of slavery and discrimination. However, Lazarus should take note of how the problem was solved: The 13th Amendment outlawed slavery and the 14th Amendment outlawed discrimination by state law.

If the Constitution is to be changed so that other rights are taken from the states, it should be done by amendment. This process is much more durable and democratic than hoping that we can elect a president who will appoint Supreme Court justices who will alter the Constitution on their own.


West Hollywood


In his article of Democratic Party propaganda regarding states’ rights, Lazarus notably failed to mention the 10th Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Like most of the Constitution, it’s short and clear. States’ rights are important.



Santa Ana
