
Muslim ‘Season’s Greetings’ Joins Mission Viejo Displays

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An Islamic holiday display now shares a patch of grass in Mission Viejo with Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus, marking what Muslim leaders say is the first time in California that the holy month of Ramadan has received equal billing with Christmas on public space.

The small billboard shows a photograph of the Kaaba--the central shrine of Islam in Mecca, Saudi Arabia--with a message: “Season’s Greetings.” A caption under the photo reads “The First House of Worship on Earth.” Poinsettias and hay bales surround the exhibit.

The religious decorations are part of a three-decade tradition in Mission Viejo in which the city allows Christians, Jews and now Muslims to put up holiday images each December at the corner of La Paz Road and Chrisanta Drive, one of the town’s gateways.


On the intersection’s other three corners are a giant menorah and dreidels for Hanukkah, a towering Christmas tree and a Santa’s workshop that features visits from Kris Kringle.

“It’s the holy month for everybody,” said Farid El-Kasm, a director with the Orange County Islamic Foundation in Mission Viejo. “We wanted to share that.”

The push for the inclusion of the Ramadan display began around Thanksgiving when Muslim residents noticed the intersection undergoing its annual December make-over.


“During holidays, each group sets up something,” El-Kasm said. “And we thought, ‘Why not us?’ ”

Leaders from the Mission Viejo mosque met with city officials and members of the Activities Committee, which oversees the holiday tradition.

“They were very cooperative, as always,” said El-Kasm, whose mosque attracts 800 worshipers for Friday prayer. “The city has been good to us.”


El-Kasm said the mosque plans to have volunteers out at night and on weekends, handing out literature to the curious and toys or candy to children.

Because the four corners of the intersection already had displays, the Ramadan sign had to be squeezed in with the nativity scene on a 20-yard-wide plot.

“We Christians and Muslims have not done so well sharing corners around the world,” said Doug Webster, senior pastor at Mountain View Church in Mission Viejo. “Maybe we can show them we can share a corner of Mission Viejo.”

Webster, who does not take a role in putting up the Christmas decorations, added that it would make an even bolder statement if Muslims and Jews shared a corner.

Martin Cohen, a rabbi in Mission Viejo, said he wouldn’t have a problem with that. His concern is allowing religious displays of any kind on public property.

“Being an American, I believe in the separation of church and state,” said Cohen of Congregation Eilat, a Conservative synagogue. “I don’t think there should be religious symbols in any public place. However, since no one in the world seems to agree with me, my second choice would be to have everyone participate. The more the merrier.”


“The Muslim leaders did an incredible job,” said Dave Breazeale, vice president of the city Activities Committee. “They worked with us and they produced a quality, professional display on short notice. They were wonderful.”

According to the national Council on American-Islamic Relations, this is the first Muslim display in the state. Spokesman Hussam Ayloush said the only other one he knows of in the nation is a large crescent set up near the national Christmas tree in Washington.
