
Extraordinary Effort by Officers

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As there has been so much negative publicity regarding our Los Angeles Police Department recently, I felt I had to write this letter to tell you of a recent incident in which the LAPD West Valley Division showed themselves to be attentive, caring and efficient. They went beyond the call of duty.

Someone to whom I am close has early Alzheimer’s disease. He went out to make a phone call and apparently became confused and wandered off. I scoured the area and could not find him. It was already dark, so I called the organization to which we belong, Safe Return. They instructed me to call 911, which I did. Within 15 minutes, three policemen arrived. They took down all the particulars, asked for a picture and started the search. They were incredible; kind and very concerned. They called me constantly to give me the status, combed the area, went to every restaurant, hotel, shops, etc. No luck.

At 11 p.m., a new LAPD shift came on duty. They also came in person and took further information. They sent up a helicopter and again went through the whole area. By this time I was frantic and imagined a mugging or robbery, but the police assured me many times that he would be found. This went on all night, with calls from them all the time.


At 6 a.m. the next day, another LAPD shift came on duty. They phoned me and combed the whole area again, to no avail. At 8:45 a.m., there was a knock on the door and two sergeants were outside, with smiles on their faces. “We have a present for you,” they said, and there he was, none the worse for wear except that he was very cold.

I felt I had to let you know how lucky we are to have such a wonderful police force. You only hear the bad side, and when something happens like this it doesn’t get any publicity.

There were about 10 officers involved in this incident, and they were all incredible and caring.



Woodland Hills
