
Day 34: A Summary

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Developments Monday in the unsettled presidential election:



* In Washington, the Supreme Court peppered lawyers for George W. Bush and Al Gore with questions for 90 minutes. The justices set no timetable for a ruling on whether to resume a recount of Florida’s questionable ballots.

* In Tallahassee, Fla., the state Supreme Court clarified its earlier ruling extending deadlines for hand counts in three counties, saying the ruling was based on Florida statutes. The U.S. Supreme Court had set aside the ruling and asked the court to explain how the ruling was consistent with Florida law.

* An Atlanta appeals court agreed with a federal judge who refused to throw out 2,400 of Florida’s overseas ballots, mostly from military personnel, because they arrived after election day.



Florida Legislature

* In Tallahassee, legislation appointing a slate of presidential electors loyal to Bush advanced in the Republican-controlled Legislature. The measures were on track for a final vote later this week.



* Outside the Texas Capitol in Austin, Bush pronounced himself calm and “cautiously optimistic” as he awaited the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision.

* Gore waited out the Supreme Court hearing at home in Washington with his wife, Tipper. Three of their four children sat in the high court’s chamber.



Source: Associated Press, Times staff
