
He’s Making an Offer: Can T.J. Really Refuse?

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I am one of the those who like T.J. Simers. I really do. I have met him on several occasions and it is with a wry grin and a chuckle I read his column, sensing he is having fun. Therefore, I do not consider him vicious or downright mean.

I have noted his jabs at Kevin Brown, F.P. Santangelo, Kevin Malone and former manager Davey Johnson, although I dispute he could manage the team better than Davey did. I have even smiled when he wrote about Mike Garrett, the San Diego Chargers and Ryan Leaf (I wonder what the kid ever did to him).

But now T.J. has crossed the line. He has taken his pen and aimed at hockey. Now that is a cheap shot.


He has said hockey was boring, and this has caused me to believe some evil rumors of late. That he recently attended a King game in Anaheim, was presented with a personal TV monitor because the press box is so high, and T.J. was spotted watching an NFL game instead of the action below.

Who am I to offer an alternative? Merely a guy in his 70s who has been involved with hockey since I could walk. So I am making a public offer to Mr. Simers. I will personally take him to a hockey game (presuming I can pry him away from the phone awaiting a call from USC President Sample) and I will spend the evening pointing out there are only three or four rules governing the ice sport. Even T.J. will be able to understand the game. If I fail, at least I tried. Come on, T.J., let’s spend a couple of hours together and the evening will be on me.


Studio City
