
Tied Wisconsin Election Decided

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From Associated Press

A $2.2-million school referendum that landed in court because the vote was tied on election day got resolved Monday with a judge’s decision to validate a “yes” vote that had been disqualified.

The measure, intended to raise money for a remodeling project for the only public school in La Farge, had been in doubt since a Nov. 7 vote ended 392-392. A recount tossed out three votes on each side, making it 389-389.

Referendum supporter Patricia Roth filed a lawsuit Nov. 17, contending that a “yes” vote was illegally disqualified.


The ballot in question had been discarded because it was initialed by one poll worker instead of two as required by law. But Vernon County Circuit Judge Michael Rosborough said Monday the ballot should count because it clearly showed the voter’s desire to support the referendum.
