
10 Best Lists

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Oh boy, you got me good this time.

I was happily making notes and thinking I would certainly have to save Kenneth Turan’s top 10 movie list (Dec. 24) so I would not miss a one of them. Whoa!

It was not until I came to No. 6 that I realized Turan had been writing the piece “tongue in cheek.” I sure fell for it hook, line and sinker, but “Erin Brockovich” was a dead giveaway. I knew it would not be on any serious- (or fun-) minded critic’s must-see list.

When will we get to see Turan’s real list?


West Hills


I was very disappointed and surprised to see that Del Shores’ “Southern Baptist Sissies” at the Zephyr Theatre was not mentioned in either Michael Phillips’ or Don Shirley’s top 10 theater picks.


It’s one of the best shows I have seen in years. It has appealed to, and touched, every person I have taken to see it--gay and non-gay/straight alike. Plus, it’s hilarious as well as thought-provoking.


West Hollywood
