
AmericaOne Is One Win Away

Associated Press

It was more of a placid parade than a competitive race in AmericaOne’s runaway triumph today that moved it within one victory of the America’s Cup finals.

A victory parade might not be far off if skipper Paul Cayard continues his remarkable comeback and keeps dominating the opposition.

His gray and green yacht led all the way as it sailed away from Prada in the first two of three upwind legs on the six-leg course, winning by 1 minute 6 seconds for his third consecutive victory and a 4-3 lead in the best-of-nine challenger finals.


AmericaOne led by 2:31 halfway through the 18 1/2-mile race, then sailed conservatively the rest of the way as Prada followed far astern.

Cayard can clinch the series Saturday. If he does, his next target will be defending champion New Zealand in the best-of-nine finals starting Feb. 19 for sailing’s top prize.

The Kiwis have been practicing with their two boats while the trials, which began Oct. 18 with 11 potential challengers, have honed the skills of the crews aboard AmericaOne and Prada.
