
The Ears Feast Too

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Re Ernesto Lechner’s review of Luis Miguel (“Flashy Feast for the Eyes” Feb. 5): Once again the “music” critic gets sidetracked by the “show.”

Luis Miguel is indisputably the best and most gifted singer in the Latino market. This fact is acknowledged by all his peers, including Ricky Martin and Enrique Iglesias. Not one mention was made of Luis Miguel’s splendid singing voice.

Maybe the real fans, tired of the hype-hoopla of the “show business Latino craze,” just wanted to listen . . . and if selling out five days in a row at the Universal Amphitheatre, and being nominated yet again this year for a Grammy, is not proof enough of the fans’ appreciation for Luis Miguel’s artistry, then what is?


P.S.: Luis Miguel did not lose an opportunity to sing in English. He chose not to. Since when does singing in English validate a career?


Los Angeles
