
Drug Czar, Congress Tangle on Colombia

From Associated Press

Government officials told Congress on Tuesday that coca production in Colombia is up sharply, and the Clinton administration’s efforts to deal with the problem drew fire from both Republicans and Democrats at a congressional hearing.

Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey, the head of the White House drug control office, said cocaine production in Colombia reached 520 metric tons last year compared with 435 in 1998 and 230 in 1995.

The new data illustrate the urgency for congressional action in support of the administration’s $1.6-billion aid package to Colombia, he told a hearing of a House Government Reform subcommittee.


Rep. Janice Schakowsky (D-Ill.) said that the production increase demonstrates “the failure of the militaristic approach” and that the administration should concentrate on drug treatment programs.

Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) said delays in sending equipment to Colombia held up drug-fighting efforts.
