
Drive Aims to Boost Aid for Steelhead

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A coalition of diverse groups has announced a campaign to secure greater protection for steelhead trout, which are fast disappearing from Southern California’s mountain streams.

“The Southern California steelhead holds the genetic key to all steelhead populations on the Pacific Coast,” said Michael Pottorff of San Diego Trout. “Despite its scientific and historic importance, it is the most endangered steelhead population in California.”

Steelhead are oceangoing rainbow trout that once were common in coastal streams of California. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service declared the southern species of the fish endangered in 1997.


To rescue the fish, 33 groups have formed the Southern California Steelhead Recovery Coalition. Among the members are surfers, environmental groups, commercial fishermen and sport fishers. The coalition called for dismantling Matilija Dam near Ojai and Rindge Dam near Malibu, more money for southern steelhead research and Endangered Species Act protection for all rainbow trout in coastal streams.
