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Long Beach Museum of Art needs more than 100 new volunteer tour guides to help with its 50th anniversary year and the grand opening of its new facility in September. Information sessions will be held Saturday and March 2. Information: (562) 439-2119.

* George C. Page Museum of La Brea Discoveries needs people to give educational tours to children and adults of its Ice Age fossil collection. No knowledge of science is necessary. Training will be held March 24 and 31 and April 7 and 14 from 1 to 4 p.m. Volunteers must commit to three hours a week. Information, Helena Praks: (323) 857-6306.

* The Sycamores Foster Care in Pasadena needs foster parents for abused and neglected children. Training, certification and financial support are provided. Information: Zenayda Fuentes, (626) 685-2121.


* Better El Segundo Today (BEST) mentoring program at El Segundo High School needs volunteers to guide students. Training is provided. A one-hour-a-week commitment is required. Information: Volunteer Center, South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach, (310) 212-5009.

* Southern California Labrador Retriever Rescue Inc. needs people to care for Labrador retrievers for at least a week in their homes while they are awaiting adoption. Information: Volunteer Center, South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach, (310) 212-5009.

* Los Angeles County Museum of Art’s Docent Council needs volunteers to lead tours of the museum’s permanent collection and special exhibitions. Bilingual candidates are especially needed. Prospective docents should have an interest in studying art, public speaking and working with children. A one-year training course in art history and touring techniques is required after candidates are interviewed by an admissions committee. Applications are due by March 7. Information: (323) 857-6119.


* North Torrance Police Community Center in conjunction with the city of Torrance needs volunteers to help fingerprint new employees, recreation volunteers and community members. Training is provided. Volunteers should be able to stand for extended periods of time. Information: Volunteer Center, South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach, (310) 212-5009.

* Federation Head Start needs volunteers weekdays to help with arts-and-crafts projects, reading and other daily school activities for 4-year-olds at schools throughout the South Bay area. Information: Volunteer Center, South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach, (310) 212-5009.

Information for this column should be submitted typed and double-spaced to Involvement Opportunities, SoCal Living, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053.
